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Payment rewards

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

In September one of my payments didn't receive reward. The money went through full price and gave no text about the renewal. It did how ever give me a heads up on the payment. Public Moblie is a great service so I don't hold it against them, it was probably a miss understanding. Anyways if any one has information to a why this happens then please share thank you.


Happy Hoildays


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Nolan_Tashe It happened in October auto-pay reward. But the adjustment has been made in November. Could you check your last payment.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

It could be due to an error on your registered debit/credit card. If the autopay monthly payment went through fine, then you should contact a moderator. It might be an error or glitch.

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