01-08-2025 12:37 PM
HI, I have been a customer of public mobile for many years. My payment history has nothing in it. I need my payment history sent to me from the years of 2023 and 2024. Please email these to me.
01-08-2025 10:15 PM
Yes, i have already gone to this part of my account and ensured the correct date ranges are selected. I am reaching out because there is nothing in my file.
01-08-2025 02:39 PM
Hey, this is a public forum with customers like yourself, so we cannot access your files. But you should be able to view some of your payment history yourself, when you go to "View Payment History" you need to select the 3 sliders at the top (Filters) to adjust the date range, for some reason the default is set to 1 month, so it will show nothing if you havent made a payment in the last month. You should be able to change this to up to 9months or a year. If you need further dated transactions, you will need to contact a PM customer service agent and request from them, which you can do so here:
01-08-2025 12:50 PM
@daryaskrenes you would need to contact Public Mobile directly for this request. Use the chatbot https://widget.telus.tiia.ai/publicmobile/publicmobile.html.
If you are having difficulties with it, use the link below to send a direct message. Click on it and fill in your information and send. They will respond within 30 minutes to 2 hours to your community inbox.