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Overall really grateful

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I am bracing for the amount of flack I’m likely to get from this lol


I guess I just wanted to say that I really enjoy PM. Yes they’re having some issues and trying to tackle bugs. I get that that is extremely frustrating; I myself had an issue or two since I’ve been here. 


However, when it comes down to it, I am able to be patient and understanding to all of it, because all I wanted was a crap load of data, the ability and freedom to accept and receive calls, all without breaking $50 every month. 


I have managed to do that and couldn't be happier. 

When I was spending well over $100 every month for a phone and only half the service, I was always immediately furious when upsets happened. 


When I sit back and have full calling and data security, I’m honestly able to chill out a bit and wait for PM mods to get back in touch with me and fix the issue; because I find the mods and the people working hard to suss everything out, make it such an awesome experience! They’re kind, diligent, and very understanding. 


I’m not hemorraghing money, or interacting with snotty customer service reps that I want to throttle over the phone. 


Every company can do better, it’s a simple fact of life itself. But it’s just so much easier for me to allow that understanding and patience, when their base service standard is already being met, no faults or questions asked. Something that is so often not the case with any of the Big Three. 


I am not trying to be passive aggressive or call anyone out, I’ve just seen a lot of really aggressive negativity on here lately and while I understand the level of frustrations - I just wanted to point out that I myself am having a great time at PM, despite the hiccups; financial and mobile security just trump so much else, for me here. It’s fantastic. 



So thanks Mods, thanks Oracles, thank you to all the wonderful people who are active in the community and deal with questions left, right and centre. 


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Thank you for your post @Clefort88!


I've been with PM for just over two years and certainly have seen lots of issues in that time. Some of them still persist, especially during high volume sign up periods. However, I've never had an issue with the three accounts I manage. 

That being said, I always verify everything goes smoothly with auto-pay every 90 days, I try to remain active in the community forum and most importantly, I DO NOT rely solely on cellular service for communications. I still have a landline and internet calling options that would offer a seamless transition should something go wrong with my service. Of course, the most downtime I've had was with our landline thanks to Bell.


To be honest, I am happy to see good critiques of PM's service on the forums, as I believe that can make for an even better mobile provider. Those who present their problems with anger and frustration are only raising their own blood pressure and stress for no reason, I try to take such outbursts with patience... I've been there in my younger days, and the best response is calm and understanding.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Thanks for sharing everyone. 🙂

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Hi @Clefort88!

Thanks for sharing your perspective.  I find myself being loyal to PM for pretty much the same reasons you mentioned.. 27+ months later, I am still here.  😄

Yes, everything can be better but its important to take a moment and appreciate the plan/service we do have right now, which for me is impossible to get with any other company.

I also appreciate those who keep giving constructive criticism in hopes of making their beloved PM the perfect service provider.  

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle



absolutely agree!! 

I know exactly what you mean and am also someone who hopes that a serviceable business such as this will listen and fix accordingly; as well as work to go beyond the first issue resolve. 


I just wanted to put some good vibes out there. I had spent 6 years in a call centre position of both tech support and the escalations desk, and while agreeing entirely that things need to be worked on and improved upon, some smiles and patience go a long way in moments of upset. 

Thats all 🙂 


thank you both for replying; I have always enjoyed your input! 

Totally agree, but do prefer to be prepared.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.


@Clefort88, no flack from me here.  I am enjoying PM a lot as well, but there are issues that have been going on for the whole year I have been hear and maybe longer.  Some are simple fixes(fix or remove email link for password reset and insert link to private message mods) while others you would think would be critical updates (ie. where to buy vouchers)  These are constant issues that pop up in the forum and also increse the demand of the MODS when there are other issues they could be dealing with.



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@Clefort88, I speak for myself here but likely this reflect others views as well.  The so called negativity is all with a positive focus in mind.  I want to see this service thrive because I like it so much.  Is that caring too much?  Perhaps. 


None of the vendom was ever directed at the moderator team that work tirelessly to perform triage on all the broken accounts.  In fact the more software bugs that crop up and are allowed to remain in place, the value of the moderator team stock goes up. 


The buck stops in the office of the management team.  As a concerned customer, I am looking for signs that everything is in good hands.  There has been a lot of what appears to be inaction in the recent past. 



Glad you are enjoying PM like us.

Thanks for taking the time to share your positive experience.

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