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No reply from c_s

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I sent in a ticket 24 hours ago but no reply 

Anyone having trouble receiving replies?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

they are replying to me but not in any useful way. anytime I ask something or request something they say the equivalent of 'as shucks that's too bad for you. deal with it.' incredibly frustrating to go through 5 people in the course of 1 conversation for none of them to be the least bit helpful. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

It's not uncommon right now do to texting problem and people complaining about the old points system being shut down. It's created a back log of ticket. 

I put in a ticket 2 to 3 weeks ago took 24 hours for there first response and 36 for there second. They may ask for your info first so you may want to add it to your ticket it may speed things up a bit. Name number and email.  Is what they asked from me but I Hurd they may also ask for your last 4 number of your visa as well don't know if I would add that unless asked for. It's all seem to depend on who answer your ticket.


I have not initiated a ticket for some time.  The agents should not be so busy that they are backlogged this much.  Perhaps trying sending a message to them directly using this link.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

my issue just got resolved. I hope the same for you!

thanks everyone for the help

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