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Netgear Nighthawk 5G Router

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I've combed the archives for some help to no avail and was hoping to get some expertise to perhaps resolve this,

When ever I'm in a shoulder or outskirt area of 5G, I get no data to extremely low (unusable) transmission, with the above noted router - swapping the sim in these areas to a 5G phone - the data rate skyrockets....

If I have the sim in the router and with a strong 5G signal no issue, as well when I'm in an LTE only area also no issue.

The settings in the router does not allow 5G to be turned off which would be ideal and possibly the solution but the router does not have this ability - I've tried "ALL-LTE" and various combinations of LTE signals - but this has no effect on issue as the router is always caught in the low quality 5G signal

Surprisingly eastern ON has a lot of these low quality 5G areas so this problem is a big issue as travel in this area requiring service...

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated... Please don't suggest using the phone as this is not feasible for my application - the router needs to be used 

Thank You





Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

My options on Route are as follows: 


The Router shows currently it’s on PM 5G w/3 bars…. But here’s what’s really happening


any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated 


Thank You 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Were u able to determine the specific LTE and 5G bands your model supports? Telus rural 5G coverage is undoubtedly in NSA mode so specific LTE + 5G band pairs have to be supported. If you’re on a iPhone you can use its service mode to determine what bands it’s seeing in its NSA mode. In a rural areas Telus might only have a single pair of 5G/LTE bands operational. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

That sounds like rabbit hole I don't have the time required just yet...

Any chance there's an access point name for LTE only (***other than ISP / ?


@Petraroams  I would go a step further than support pages and call Netgear, their support number is 1-866-833-7699

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I've researched all the Netgear support pages on this router - as noted cant turn off 5G so looking to make this work in shoulder areas and hoping for a solution,,, Not looking to incorporate a phone in setup

Mayor / Maire

@Petraroams   Have you tried contacting Netgear customer support?  Would the router hotspot off the phone, or connect via USB?

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