Moto E vs Moto G
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05-30-2015 05:11 PM - modifié 01-04-2022 12:39 PM
I shattered my S3 so I was going to get a Moto G but I realized that the Moto E is $100 cheaper, which should I get ( I'm talking about the 2nd generations for both of them )
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le 05-30-2015 10:51 PM
If you want to prevent accidental calling, put your phone into sleep mode by just depressing the power button. I configured my phone to instantly "sleep" upon the power button being pressed, or 60 seconds of non-use.
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le 05-30-2015 10:43 PM
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le 05-30-2015 09:52 PM
Why not buy a new Moto G with L or M?
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05-30-2015 09:41 PM - modifié 05-30-2015 09:42 PM
That's an impossible question for me to answer because I do not know what M has to offer compared to KitKat, plus I don't know what your frustration level is.
For instance, when XP was first introduced, I embraced it, but others, who were used to 98 and 98SE, considered it too complicated. Each to his own!
Why not buy a new Moto G with M. If you don't like it, return it within 15 days, ensuring that you have not exceeded the limits placed by the manufacturer?
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le 05-30-2015 09:32 PM
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le 05-30-2015 09:31 PM
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le 05-30-2015 09:16 PM
Like many people, I was eagerly awaiting Lollipop, due to Google's hype. It supposedly was going to provide a more efficient and pleasant experience. When it was finally released to a large user base, it was anti-climactic. I didn't regard the changes as significant. Then, when people started reporting problems, that finally convinced me that 5.0 was not for me.
As far as downgrading, there is a way to do so, but one has to be highly technically oriented. If one mistake is made, kiss your smartphone goodbye because it has just become an expensive paperweight.
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le 05-30-2015 08:36 PM
@Martin, You are 110% Absolutely Right. 5.0.2 Lollipop SUCKS. I have 110% Regrets in that Update Firmware. Wished I could Downgrade
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le 05-30-2015 06:11 PM
There is a reason that the Moto E costs less; it provides less than the Moto G.
As an owner of 2 phones, both being a 1st Generation Moto G, I would opt for a Moto G, 2nd Generation.
Enjoy your new phone!
BTW, if your new phone comes with KitKat, think twice about upgrading to Lollipop 5.0. Many problems have been reported, and the improvements are not earth-shatterring.
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le 05-30-2015 05:59 PM
Moto G 2nd Gen would be My preference. Moto E, Eh