Maybe time to pause the promo?
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11-06-2016 03:08 PM - edited 01-04-2022 06:05 PM
If private messages aren't getting read for 3days plus sometimes, I'm not sure how we can continue until the backlog clears a little.
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11-22-2016 01:07 PM
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11-22-2016 01:07 PM - edited 11-22-2016 01:10 PM
@SP3CTRYS wrote:EDIT: You, Your Father, and CoWorker have no service! That is impossible, there must be a variable that is having an affect.
@SP3CTRYS none whatsoever
My phone - approx 1.5 years of service, changed to promo plan, somehow lost my phone number, and sim became invalid
My father in law - approx 6 months of service, changed to promo plan, now no service
My co-worker (who I referred lol) - brand new account some sort of port issue, I know she can not use txt and some issue with calls (I think she has outgoing only, I am not 100% sure)
The only reason I said to you was the "people with problems" are not a small number
There is a HUGE queue right now for assistance that mods are slugging through
In my personal circle I have 3 phones down, 2 phones no issues
The other problem for me (which has nothing to do with Public) was that in deciding to bring my other line over here (cancel Fido) this basically left me with no lines
If I hadn't of tried porting other number then I could at least use my secondary phone
Instead I am forced to *shudder* use a Wind SIM in the meantime
Trust me it is as bad as you think it is
Would not wish this on my worst enemy
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11-22-2016 01:02 PM - edited 11-22-2016 01:04 PM
@Rockdaddy22 & @SP3CTRYS oh I have seen major issues on all 3 carriers
This honestly while annoying really is a minor blip
Worst I ever saw was the Bell NMI migration
Now THAT was a ___________ (censored )
But I am rather annoyed to be without a phone for these past couple days
And my situation is odd because it is not even a new activation
Even the mods have no idea how it happened
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11-22-2016 10:46 AM
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11-22-2016 10:44 AM
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11-22-2016 10:17 AM - edited 11-22-2016 10:21 AM
@kav2001c Alright Fair enough. So are you saying that you have never had a problem with another carrier in this or similar capacity?
Because I can guarantee to you that other carriers have had very angry customers due to , in some cases, worse system errors.
I am not siding/defending Public Mobile, I am just greatful that they are not experiencing the ever prevalant Telus Double Billing, or the Bell Unfriendly Service, or even The Rogers Lack of Service.
Public Mobile is taking on a very bold move here, They have taken the PrePaid system and practically re-invented. No one else has even been so bold as to try this, for this very reason, it appeals to so many people.
As for the Lack of communication, that is kinda how Telus/Bell work. lol
I need to apologize as well, I did not mean to begin a heated debate.
EDIT: You, Your Father, and CoWorker have no service! That is impossible, there must be a variable that is having an affect.
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11-22-2016 10:07 AM
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11-22-2016 10:05 AM - edited 11-22-2016 10:08 AM
@SP3CTRYS the issue is the influx of new people. These issues have been around for a long time. There was a small group (incl myself) who argued against dropping the BETA tags until Public fixed core underlying issues. They disagreed.
Think this way, if they have 1% failure rate on 100,000 clients 6 months ago
Compared to 1% failure rate on 400,000 clients today (new activations + general growth)
The staff is overworked and far behind
And we know these are deep rooted technical glitches
If they were quick/easy errors we would not be seeing people getting no responses for 2 weeks
It also seriously bothers me the seeming lack of communication to most users (myself included)
My phone, my father-in-laws phone, and a co-worker who I referred all currently have no service
I have gotten responses from mods and stuff has changed but these have been going on for over a week without any service whatsoever
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11-22-2016 10:01 AM
Hmm, What you are describing can only be related to a system glitch. However, I still stand by my post, in that althogh yes you have experienced a glitch in the system, it is unlikely that is caused solely based on the promo. But, rather, has a greater bearing on the system itself.
It is important to understand that these "prepaid" systems are different from say, the IRIS system I used working for Bell. there is less control on our end as subscribers, and if any problems arise there is nothing that we can really do.
I beleive also mentioned in my post that the metaphorical "Ship" is being sailed with less than a full crew.
You are not wrong, however the Promo is not the sole reason as to the "influx" of problems. Even still, after the promo has ended, subscribers are still receiving new problems. Sadly, it is just how this system works.
We did not pick this provider for their world reknown customer service, we picked it becasue we are fed up with the monopoly the other carriers hold on the TeleCom market.
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11-20-2016 09:10 PM
@SP3CTRYS wrote:
BOTTOM LINE: The Promo is not affecting the overall service. Some subscribers quickly become impatient, and Imediately contact a MOD. Rather than waiting upto 1 full 24 hour period. So rather, human error. The Forums are here for a reason, so other users can help users.
@SP3CTRYS this promo is certainly effecting existing members
I activated my SIM approx 15 months ago then attempted to change plans
The result?
My SIM card suddenly became unprovisioned (SOS only) and despite my account showing my phone number as active, somehow (non of the mods have been able to answer how) ANOTHER brand new client activated my number on their SIM card
So there are 2 people both active with exact same phone number
So I beg to disagree about this promo is not effecting the system
To the contrary I feel like the system is falling apart (this is my 3rd major issue in past month)
And I did NOTHING at all
All I tried to do was change my plan to this promo plan
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11-07-2016 02:07 PM - edited 11-07-2016 02:09 PM
The part that bothers me is that there doesn't seem to be a queue system that is being followed for support. I have unread private messages to Mods that I see resolving people's same issues on the fly in various other discussion threads.
Is it the squeakiest wheel that gets the grease?
I don't see a point in spamming the Mods but it's those that are doing so and repeatedly posting/messaging that are getting helped the soonest - not necessarily those who have been patiently waiting "in line" the longest.
EDIT: Just wanted to add that I've been very pleased with my Public Mobile experience up to this point but I'm just concerned about the support approach.
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11-07-2016 10:33 AM
Please understand I only want the best for PM, I love this company 🙂
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11-07-2016 10:32 AM
To be fair, would you rather be waiting for 2-4 days for a response or on hold for hours, when you could be doing other things? 'Tis but my opinion.
But you do have a point it does take a while. But they acknowledge that right on the contact us page. Saying it will take 48 hours, but the Mods are Humans, and would like to enjoy their timeoff as well, so.... Yo uneed to look at the stuation from all angles here.
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11-07-2016 10:21 AM
I've been saying this forever that's it's a tiny fraction that encounter issues. People come here for help, so of course we mostly hear the negative.
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11-07-2016 10:09 AM
@Garry wrote:I can sympathize with those of you with issues, but let's keep things in perspective.
Society today expects everything to be done in a flash. Common sense and patience seem to have been thrown out the window.
There is no reason to pause this promo, or to bring in new staff. The people without issues most likely outweigh those that do by 100:1 at the very least.
If PM gets 20,000 new subscribers during this promo, and only 200 have issues to be resolved.......I would consider it a success. Wouldn't you?
Keep in mind it's not always PM's fault for these issues. Many people create their own misery by not verifying important details, as well as not following clear directions and recommendations. These people creat additional backlogs. I don't hear anyone blaming them!?
As with any high volume "event", there will be delays and errors. It's a fact of life.
Make the best of it, and keep a positive attitude. It will all be resolved to your satisfaction.
Good luck.
I absolutely agree word for word! I have always wanted to say this but kept quiet.
If one would go to the RFD forum they will see so many reports of happy new customers who activated, ported and got service within seconds. Of course the flawless activations outweigh the failed activations. Unfortunately near to none of the happy customers come to the PM community to report a positive experience. Thanks to those who did....
At the moment the PM community acts as a support forum only.
Everybody hang in there! I understand the frustration and I am very sorry for all the glitches, but with patience they will be resolved one by one by one...
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11-07-2016 09:23 AM
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11-07-2016 09:22 AM
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11-07-2016 09:22 AM
in the meantime, join the club waiting for followups because the system didnt auto change the plan ... 🙂
I'm not worried about it, it will be done eventually. (my plan renewed saturday, new plan didnt take into affect but it did charge me its rate ... but suspended me because my old plan cost more... I had to top it off to use my phone again. sigh).
What they should've done FIRST was fix the auto plan update before introducing the new plan and flooding the mods with these requests.
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11-07-2016 09:20 AM
@Rockdaddy22 @snehkavi @maddog497
Thank you all for your concerns, I believe @SP3CTRYS nailed it directly on the head with his post. We are committed to assisting anyone who comes across an issue/problem.
Yes, patience is a virtue 🙂
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11-07-2016 09:06 AM
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11-07-2016 09:02 AM
I Don't think pausing the promo would solve the issue.
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11-07-2016 08:59 AM
Plus people need to start filling in the information correctly, a lot of these failed ports are users not inputting the correct info. People starting come here and ask what the alternate number is for, not after you screw it up.
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11-07-2016 08:55 AM
I can only imagine suspending the promo would only add to the confusion.
Research and read the posts and do everything possible to ensure you've done everything correct.
Hopefully, if everyone is careful there won't be as many issues (I recognize that even when doing everything correctly, there are still going be some with issues, sometimes)
We want what we want and we want it right now, lol.
Hopefully many issues get resolved today and the amount of issues reported today are less than yesterday.
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11-07-2016 08:54 AM
@Mchan You are Correct. I apologize if I came off a bit harsh. I too use my Phone for work, so I can empathize with you on that level "Needing" To be readily contacted.
And I do not wish to start an argument on the forums, but one small basic fact: PM comes across to me as more of an "Experimental" service, and as such, it can not be expected that the ship is being sailed with a full crew just yet.
Unfortunately, that is how many things are run. And in all honesty, not many, if any of us switched to PM for the "Resounding Customer Service", as they do not even have a call centre. lol We all switched because of the Low Cost plans, and Excellent Coverage.
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11-07-2016 08:51 AM
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11-07-2016 08:45 AM
It is very easy to ask people to be patient and maintain a positive issues when you're not the one having issues.
There's a back log, PM should have anticipated the volume and tried to mitigate the issues.
Different Mods take over and I get the same questions asked as the previous one 48 hours later( or more in my case) and nothing is actually being resolved.
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11-07-2016 08:32 AM
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11-07-2016 08:28 AM
Ultimately by "Pausing" the promo you are simply delaying more "Delayed" service in the future.
Alright excuse the rant, if you want the BOTTOM LINE , Scroll down.
My opinion, however, is not that the backlog is affect overall customer support/network service. Rather, most of what I am seeing in the forums is porting issues and new activation errors. Which can be expected with any network to be honest.
Porting: Again only my opinion but, I beleive the problem other subscribers are having reguarding porting is not network problems, but rather human error/impatients. Porting is fairly straightforward, but if you even enter one letter/number wrong you will get an error.
SIM Errors: Same as above, Simply inputing one number wrong could make one believe that there SIM does not work. Now, some have "Succesfully" Activated their SIM. But then it doesn't work right away. Ok, this i can understand as a technical glitch, as when I worked for Bell we would just toss the SIm and replace with a new one.
New Activation Errors: Most of the errors seem to be legitiment Technical errors. Buit again, PATIENCE. Wait, then try again, or then contact a Mod.
BOTTOM LINE: The Promo is not affecting the overall service. Some subscribers quickly become impatient, and Imediately contact a MOD. Rather than waiting upto 1 full 24 hour period. So rather, human error. The Forums are here for a reason, so other users can help users.
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11-07-2016 08:05 AM
I can sympathize with those of you with issues, but let's keep things in perspective.
Society today expects everything to be done in a flash. Common sense and patience seem to have been thrown out the window.
There is no reason to pause this promo, or to bring in new staff. The people without issues most likely outweigh those that do by 100:1 at the very least.
If PM gets 20,000 new subscribers during this promo, and only 200 have issues to be resolved.......I would consider it a success. Wouldn't you?
Keep in mind it's not always PM's fault for these issues. Many people create their own misery by not verifying important details, as well as not following clear directions and recommendations. These people creat additional backlogs. I don't hear anyone blaming them!?
As with any high volume "event", there will be delays and errors. It's a fact of life.
Make the best of it, and keep a positive attitude. It will all be resolved to your satisfaction.
Good luck.
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11-06-2016 08:14 PM
If we just had a couple extra mods for a few days, it would all be cleared up. We'll see what @Jeremy_M says. I don't really think pausing it is the best idea, I was just putting it out there.