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Locked out of account

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My grandmothers phone is lost and we can't access her account to cancel service.  the two factor id only sends code to her phone number which obviously we can't access right now.  How do I get access to cancel her account?



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I tried this method on all my devices, using both the app and just logging on through a browser, but it still wants to send a code to my phone and I don't see an option for not receiving the code and sending to email. This pops up instantly after I enter the code that is first sent to my email. It seems to be a loop that I can't get out of.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you got it working 

Mayor / Maire

You have two options:

If you use a Public Mobile app press didn’t receive code and click the option to send to email.


If you use a computer, you will be able to press the option didn’t receive code and send to email. Then you’ll be able to access the account as normal. 

Once you’ve logged in, you can either suspend your service or cancel it. (If you plan on getting a new phone and using Public Mobile then just suspend the service. If you plan on, not getting a new phone with Public Mobile do both steps.)

To cancel your service:, sign onto your account, go to the drop-down arrow and click payments click manage subscription and click the subscribed, and turn it off.

To report the phone lost/stolen(Suspend service until later): press the drop-down arrow, and click profile scroll all the way to the bottom and you’ll see the option report Phone lost/stolen. This will suspend your service until you go back and resume it when you have your new phone.


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