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Internet speed data

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


I have the bottom tier account for $15/month which includes 150mb of data at 3G speed. This was fine for me, and enough to access banking app while not at home on wifi. 

Since last week I have discovered that my 3G is running at much faster speeds.  1000% or more faster. A simple one time speed test wipes out my 150mb of data immediately.  I checked again today, and sure enough its the same much higher speed. If one click 8s going to wipe out my data then I cannot be a customer any longer.  I will not be forced to pay a higher plan. I only wanted the very basic 3g to access banking while in mobile data, nothing more. 

Can someone look into this and explain.  Also, it is very hard to get this message into an actual person. 

Thank you. 



@Dennis001 ,v the speed limits are minimum values not maximums.  I am of the opinion that speed tests are a total waste of data.  A single speed test is never statistically significant, nothing more than a curiosity thing.  

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

If your are truly using data for banking apps ONLY, then what's the harm in having faster speeds?

The same functions within banking apps will use roughly the same amount of data each time, no matter how fast your connection is. Things will load faster for you, using the SAME amount of data.

 Also, you should keep your phone on 4G, that does limit data speeds to 3Mbps “officially”, but actual speed can be faster/varies at random times.


If you are still paying and charged for $15 plan and getting higher speed…I was just pointing this out.

The speeds doesn’t affect your 250 data unless you are using data longer.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Buddy. 5 years sane plan. 250mb was fine for what I needed. Bow it's gone in a couple clicks. Did the speed test to verify my suspicion.  191mb/ sec is what is coming through. This would take hours on 3g, so obviously I've been bumped up, which is what I dont want. 5 years was a good run. Time to leave,  I get the hint, hear it loud and clear.  


I think this is temporary so I wouldn’t complain about and enjoy the faster speeds. 
Maybe PM is enticing you with the faster speed so you can upgrade to the 4G or 5G plan. 😉

@Dennis001   That doesn't seem right, that's way faster even than the 5G plan cap of 250Mbps.  Are you sure it isn't Kbps. although that wouldn't likely wipe out all your data in one go unless you had less left than you thought.  These days 250mb isn't very much.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Dennis001 wrote:

My speed at 3g always came though at 3mb/sec. 

Now cones through at 981mb/sec

This might be a temporary problem - but for regular use, this won’t cause you to use more data unless you choose to. Speed tests generally do need to use more data for faster speeds - it’s just an innate requirement.

Stay away from speed tests and your faster speed won’t cause you problems - unless it leads you to use data more.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My speed at 3g always came though at 3mb/sec. 

Now cones through at 981mb/sec

Mayor / Maire

@Dennis001   The $15 plan should have 250MB or are you on an old plan that was less?  Yes that will get eaten up by a speed test, why were you doing a speed test, was there a problem?  Depending on the phone you can set a data limit to warn you if something is using too much.  Also you can set individual apps to use wifi and not data.

Mayor / Maire

That is the way that plan is. If you'd like a faster speed such as 4G or 5G then you would have to switch plans. The $15 phone plan has always been like this and likely will not change. 
With that being said there are somethings you can do to make your data last longer. Go into settings and turn off data for apps you don't need to use while on mobile data. You can also turn off background processing which will stop your apps from using data in the background. Also you can turn off data when your not using it. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Dennis001 Speed tests use a lot of data (it can be 500 MB or more), and you don’t have enough,  that has nothing to do with PM - it’s because you have a very very limited plan. 150MB is enough for very limited use only. The solution is easy - don’t do speed tests, or upgrade to an account with enough data to meet your needs.

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