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I want the promo.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My wife just received a public mobile promo of 15gb at 4G for $26. It expires Feb. 18. I would like that promo, but Public won't send it to me. Do some of us not get certain promos?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I got offered the plan but not my wife. The weird thing is I'm on the $29 for 10GB plan and they offered me 15GB for $26. I'm like they are offering 5 GB more for $3 less? I accepted but wife never got offer

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Only 1 family got this offer.  I was told that it is a target offer only.


@Montag , what plan are you currently on?  It seems like these special offers invariably involve a higher priced plan with lots of data.  If you are on a plan that costs more than $26, they are not going to offer you a lower priced plan to shrink the revenue.  From what I have seen online, support is not handing out these deals to customers that were not offered via SMS.  

Mayor / Maire

Hi @Montag 

You can reach out to a CS Agent via this link and ask very nicely. There are no guarantees but it never hurts to ask. Just a heads up though, there is that $34 x 3 90 day plan that is 50GB of 5G data with unlimited throttled data after the bucket is empty. Worth a look.

Their reply will be in the top right corner of the page. 

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