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I'm rying to switch to a different plan but it doesn't show up in my change subscription page

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'm trying to switch to this subscription

But when i go to my account and click "change subscription" i don't see it.



Mayor / Maire

@RattlesnakeArmy  I figured they would - thus my suggestion you give it a shot.

Well, if the floodgates weren't opened before, they will be now.   🙄

@RattlesnakeArmy  Wow ok so there it’s is . I’ll be sure to contact them myself now for something better . And tell other to ignore what websites says and contact support 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Handy1  I was offered 29$/30GB/4G from a rep and multiple others as well. I have been with PM since 2017.

Well I think the floodgates are already open . Just hope there’s no “false hope “ given here . Best of luck community and happy new year 

I understand @Handy1 

However there's a way to point it out without exclusively stating that they'll make an exception.

I understand that hTideGnow shared it - but opening the floodgates rarely allows the odd exception to be made once a company is bombarded with requests.

There's something to be said about subtlety.

EDIT:  going one step further @Handy1 ,  a once active/learned/wise user once aptly pointed out to me that overly discussing errors/oversights, either here in the community threads or in private messaging, that PM made which were benefitting users will undoubtedly be read by PM staff and thus allow them to correct their error.  Sometimes it's best to let oversights be oversights if it benefits us and doesn't harm others.   Catch my drift?

@HALIMACS  But without good community memeber sharing the findings . You would have been in the same page as me from the start . It’s the very reason a good community member shared getting the 75GB  $40 . That you offer this suggestion . Would you have preferred not to know it took place . This be same case so we can be certain and helping our fellow community memebers with the info we are providing 

That's where I differ @Handy1 & @dnfire17 

Best NOT to advertise their agreement to having made an exception too much. 

So if they do @dnfire17 , great.   Just take it and be pleased.

I'm guessing if a lot of folks spread the word that they did this, they'll be directed to stop pretty quickly.

True never hurts to ask .even if it’s very slim chances of success. Just don’t be bummed out when they most likely will say no sorry it’s for  new activations despite the precedent that’s has been set due to the 75 GB for $40 lack of mentioning the new activation only on main page . Best of luck @dnfire17  please update on if they allow it 

Doesn't hurt to ask @Handy1 

Especially if the OP happens to be moving UPWARDS in plan dollar value - if not, then perhaps less likely.

@dnfire17  Only exception I saw was made the 75GB for $40 due to the technicality that’s it doesn’t say for new activations only on main page . Not the 30GB for $29  clearly states new activation only 

Mayor / Maire


We probably shouldn't be offering this, but there have been exceptions made for other users, so they have pretty well set the precedent that they may offer plan changes even if it is stated that they are for new activations only.

It doesn't hurt to give it a shot and ask them, here's how.  (Note that a condition to changing might be that they require you make an immediate plan change)

To contact a Customer Support Agent, send a private message to them by clicking here.  You’ll need to be logged into your Community account for the link to work.

Watch for their response in your Community private mailbox which will be indicated by a number on the small envelope icon to the left of your Community avatar, or tap your Avatar down in Messages.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It’s for new activation accounts only .

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

It’s for new clients only.. and yes it sucks

Mayor / Maire

@dnfire17  Yes sorry that plan is only for new activations only not existing customers . That’s why you can’t see it in your account 

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