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How come so much bravo???

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Just browsing around community I found this. Top bravo person got average 45 per day????? How is that possible? Super smart? Even 20 bravo a day too much...




Mayor / Maire

@BorisDoris  - Bravo planting. 

Not sure if it is harassment or not, in my opinion.

No proof provided, so we only know what is evident in the forum.

Mayor / Maire


For the bravos for S--S in the past month that occurred over an approximately one week period what would be the point of bravoing oneself when the account has been banned? The harasser of course was unaware of this at the time.







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Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@darlicious wrote:


@Anonymous  has been a target of harassment by another user that pm has been investigating and is in no part responsible for what has happened.



How do you know this, for certain?


I'm not doubting your information, just curious how you have come about it.



Mayor / Maire


I post on average 600 to 800 posts per month. I have over 18,000 posts in the past 2 1/2 years. Most of them contain useful information. By the law of averages garnering a high bravo count per day is common. I average about 30 bravo per day.



@Anonymous  has been a target of harassment by another user that pm has been investigating and is in no part responsible for what has happened.





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Mayor / Maire

Looks like they were multi-accounting and bravo'ing their own posts and giving them solutions as well to get more $$$ towards plan. That would be my guess. I am guessing since they are no longer around they were caught on it?!

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