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Has anyone ever heard of Goophone?

Mayor / Maire

Hi. Has anybody ever heard or seen the Goophone yet?


Looks interesting 


@kutzki wrote:
IF people would like, I've been buying China phones for years and I know what to look for and what not to look for. I'm happy to make a China buying guide. The assumption that everything from china is badly made is wrong, but the assumption that you don't always know what you will get, is 100% correct. I've learned what is, and what is NOT good. 🙂

Agreed, "made in China" has become a punch line but it just depends on *what* you import from China.


I think most of the members would appreciate a buying guide


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
LOL. They look nice, but those specs are absolutely garbage. If you're looking for a new phone, I suggest looking on IF people would like, I've been buying China phones for years and I know what to look for and what not to look for. I'm happy to make a China buying guide. The assumption that everything from china is badly made is wrong, but the assumption that you don't always know what you will get, is 100% correct. I've learned what is, and what is NOT good. 🙂

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Interesting, but there's a ton of Android phones that are iPhone-like in design.  There's a handful from HTC (whom, I believe, were actually FIRST to the metal unibody with two plastic antenna bands, even before the iPhone), and a recent example is the new OnePlus 3 that just came out last week.  Co-incidentally, I should have mine by end of day tomorrow, assuming UPS sticks to schedule.  🙂

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Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Whatever tickles your fancy @makkahn28 Robot tongue



Does Dr. @Jeremy_M wear that outfit from Demolition Man?


Also, Can @Shazia_Ksing the Green Giant song in that movie as well? 


At Bell La'Taco?


The heroes of the hour

@makkahn28 let's discuss ideas over lunch at Taco Bell shall we

Cat Very Happy

Perhaps John Spartan can help in this:



Over in China they not only counterfeit the phone, they even counterfeit the stores


Here's a couple of articles. Basically, knock offs without iOS or equivalent hardware. 


Goophone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Mayor / Maire

I've heard alot about it (years ago, surprised its still around)

Nothing good though


As I am sure you can guess it is of questionable build and legality

I seem to recall OS is actually based on an Android build unless that changed


But you what would be great, is if we saw more nifty models

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Ok cool I bet it is better than Samsung Grand Prime lol 

Looks like Apple,but without the iOS Apple system, Android 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

No, never 😉 

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