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Error code M.8701 account configuration error

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Says my payment was processed, but an account configuration error occurred. Please submit a ticket and finish creating account. error code was M.8701


Mayor / Maire

@Cheryl9   Are you using the website or the Public Mobile app?  The app is needed to complete activation

Mayor / Maire

@Cheryl9 so we're you given ways to submit a ticketti customer support? Select any links if so.

If not, Methods to contact Public Mobile Customer Support (CSA) below:

1-Normally Faster - use this link to: Get Help With Public Mobile Chatbot], also found in various places in Public webpages, and bottom right corner of the page (See the Chat Bubble), 

2-OR, go to your ENVELOPE at the top right of your Community Account which is where your Inbox and Sent messages are. Select the orange/peach color box with the pencil inside it to start a new message.  Type CS_Agent in the SEND TO box. This will create a private message to Public Mobile Customer Support.

Need Help? Let's chat.