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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Could someone tell me why I lose my email in my email app on my iPhone, every time I use hotspot to use my computer. I then have to set my email up through my iPhone google account. 
Thank you. 


Mayor / Maire


Not sure your number will be in the email (mail) app.

It would be in your Apple account on the top with your name under Name, Phone Number, Email.

You can edit it in the section.

Mayor / Maire

@purple_ghost  I'm not sure I follow, it sounds at first like you are saying you lose some of the emails, but then setting up your email afterwards sounds like either the mail app is dropping the account, or the mail app is being removed.  Can you explain in a bit more detail?  It doesn't sound like a Public Mobile problem, but we can try to help anyway.

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