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Data being used from add-ons before main plan data used up.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I just checked my plan data usage to see if I am close to using up my monthly amount so that I can TRY to use SOME of my Loyalty "GIFT" (for being forced to change to the new, worse point system) of 240G before the 150 day time limit expires and my " LOYALTY GIFT" disappears.  (Not really a Gift if they attach an unreasonable time limit to use it, especially since I'm having difficulty getting to even "touch" this "gift") and it appears that Public Mobile took some of my 2G data (that is supposed to stay in my add-ons account and not be used until I use up my monthly plan data, AND use up the 240G "limited time gift" first. (If it was truly a Loyalty GIFT, there would be NO time limit to use it up. It should stay in our accounts to be used in the future IF we ever need it! By "we" I mean all PM LOYAL customers who received "Loyalty Gifts"). Has anyone else had data disappear from add-ons that should not have been taken? 


Mayor / Maire

That shouldn't be so. I can confirm that my regular monthly data plan wis all used up for May and it was using the bonus data. So far used 19%.

Then, once the renewal came around one week ago, it stopped taking from the bonus and started using the regular data again. 

I expect this to be the on going cycle until the expiration of said bonus.


have you tried logging in to your account on a laptop ? As soon as you've successfully logged in, you can view the Subscription Usage and also the Add-on Usage dashboards, for up-to-date info.

You can also do it on your cell, but I'm sitting right in front of a 17" laptop so why strain the I right.

hi @Hummingbird 

submit a ticket and ask support agent to check


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@hTideGnow  I haven't even gotten close to using up my main plan data so the bonus data should not be touched. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The thing i have NOT used up my main plan data ( no where near using it up)  so the bonus data should not be touched at all.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@hTideGnow @hTideGnow 

Contacting the CS_Agent has been a waste of time, at least for me. 16 days ago, I sent a message asking which data would be used first. I never got an answer. I got fed up waiting and went ahead and made the plan switch. When I lost the 240GB loyalty bonus data after 2 days, I opened a ticket and sent several more private messages to customer service. 2 weeks and there has been no response. Good luck.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


2 weeks ago I switched from a $29 30 GB plan to a $15 0GB plan to try and use some of the 240 GB of loyalty bonus data. DO NOT DO THIS BECAUSE P.M. WILL EVENTUALLY CANCEL YOUR 240 GB LOYALTY BONUS DATA AS A RESULT OF DOWNGRADING! 

The cancellation of the 240 GB bonus data took a few days and during that brief time, I was able to use some of this free loyalty data. For me, I can confirm that the loyalty bonus data was used first while the previous holiday bonus data (6GB which was accumulated over three Christmases) remained untouched. Of course, now that PM has canceled my loyalty bonus data, I have to use my holiday data until I can change my plan on the next renewal. Good luck.


Mayor / Maire

hi @Hummingbird 

the loyalty  bonus data will be gone if you downgrade your plan, this looks like what happened

but support agent could give you another set or data addon for your new plan.  Ask them.  Also, ask them if the data was used in the wrong order

 please submit a ticket with CS Agent using this Chatbot link:  Type the question "Submit ticket", Then click the following in order: "Contact Us" ,  "Other",  "Log In".  
If any issue with ticket submission, you can  submit by direct message:        

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