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Credit card processing failure

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I got myself a new credit card specifically to start using Public Mobile.


I registered my card online and used it to pay for 3 months.  


I enrolled for auto-pay, and at the end of my 3 months the payment failed and my account has been suspended with a balance-owed of $0.00...  


I attempted to pay $70 to kick-start the system into activating my account, but now I have a balance listed of $70 and my account is still suspended.   


Now, when I try to pay the remaining $50 for my $120 plan (in light of the fact my balance owing is still saying $0.00) the same credit card information which I have listed on my account "cannot be verified".


When I try to update the info it still "cannot be verified".   I have confirmed with card provider (at my expense via Skype) that it is not a problem with my card.   They saw a few failed attempts, but any additional attempts made to verify my card did not show up on their system.  


I am without a phone now, and am seriously questioning the "online-only" model as there looks to be no solution besides vouchers....


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Anyway you can try different cards?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
Hey guys,
I'm having the same issue now with the third account I'm trying to register. Can you please look into this?

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Hello @NewPublic


I'm sorry to hear about the payment issue, 


I did receive your private message, I will need a little more information in regards to this issue. 


Please get back to me once you receive my message. 


Thank you, 



* Please do not post private info such as: phone number, account number, pin etc.. This is a public forum.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Well, three months in and I can report that the problem persists with Autopay for multiple payments on the same credit card.


I have multiple PM accounts (6). 


They were all set up with Autopay with the same credit card.


Two of the accounts renewed just fine with the credit card. The third account failed to Autorenew and the Account was suspended. I have since paid it with a borrowed credit card and I think it is re-activated, but this is a large hassle.


I had the same issue when establishing all the accounts initially as described in earlier post. I am 100% sure that this is not the Credit card company, as they were on the phone when I attempted a declined transaction and told me no attempt showed on their system. This is Public Mobile somehow blocking more than ?2 payments on the same credit card.


I have posted to Mods asking if they could please look into why more than  two transactions on the same card are declined by PM? I do not understand why this could not quickly be solved, and any details about how long between transactions is required on the same card and when this could be fixed would be helpful.


My other 3 accounts will be due soon, and I would really appreciate if I could depend on Autopay to renew with the same Credit Card on file for all of them. Aside from this very frustrating issue, I am very happy with PM, but I need to depend on Autopay without spending a bunch of time every 3 months to sort this out.





Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
I just load vouchers to my account, sill get autopay credit by having a credit card on file.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks @Rockdaddy22 I hope you are correct. As you can imagine, I really don't want my multiple family accounts being suspended if autopay fails. @steele93 started this thread with description of suspended account due to a payment failure. This is an issue for anyone opening more than 2 accounts, and given how good the PM prepay service model is for those of us footing the bill for teenagers etc., there must be more than a handful of people with similar experience. Haven't heard from @Shazia_K or other mod yet to confirm autopay will not have an issue.


I have also seen the mention that credit card, once flagged by PM will take 14 days before the card can be used again- any confirmation on that? Has anyone successfully used CC again after 14 days (ie to add my card to autopay instead of borrowing my neighbour's CC again as I did for activation!) ?


I understand reviewing for fraud management, but it seems quite odd to me that PM is controlling this rather than letting the CC company take care of it. Like anything else I buy on line, let the purchase go through if the CC company approves it! As a prepaid service, it seems to me that there is not that much at risk at any given time to PM even in case of a fraud, or at least make it more generous in the system (?10 transactions, ?$1500 per any given day on one card, etc. would solve it). 





Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
It's just for activating, autopay shouldn't be a problem

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

 I have the same problem.  My girlfriend's 3 kids and we couldn't use her credit card for any of them - just her.  I had to use a separate credit card for each kid - come-on, PM, - what's the problem?  Not going to give a 12-year-old their own credit card!!

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Im pretty sure it won't be a problem for autopay

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi - I have just joined PM due to this promotion primarily but hope to be with PM for a long time! Just a few problems with new accounts.


I have opened up multiple PM accounts (kids phone lines etc.) and a problem I have had is the Credit Card Processing failure message. It seems to happen after the same card is used for more than 2 accounts. This happened on more than one occasion (Card 1 was good for 2 accounts then rejected for 3rd account, Card 2 was good for next 2 accounts then rejected for 5th account etc.).


I was able to pay with a borrowed credit card to open all the lines, but this is very inconvenient.


The problem is not with the credit card company- there are no restrictions on my account and I spoke to them at length. Credit co. had me attempt to open a PM account while on the phone with credit co. and told me there was no indication from their system that a transaction was even attempted. However PM site showed the failure message.


In future I would really like to know that the Autopay will work with having a single credit card on file for each separate account. Any moderators @Shazia_K or someone could look into why PM is blocking multiple separate CC transactions, and if this could be resolved soon?


I am very happy overall with this new model of mobile service, I can deal with other issues I've had over time, but knowing that I can depend on the Autopay to roll along billing with one card for multiple accounts without me having to deal with it repeatedly is crucial.


Thanks very much for any help!



Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
I hope everything worked for you.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Do you have a Shoppers Drug Mart or CanadianTire Gas Bar near you? If so, most of them sell vouchers. I know it's not ideal, but maybe a solution for now.

I don't understand why PM would block your credit card, usually the card issuer is the one who blocks it, once they confirm a few things with you they'll usually unblock it. This can actually happen a lot with new cards.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Well it seems they are helpless in this case. Too bad they don't have a single day of leniance before they suspend your phone service and leave you completely helpless.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
To update everyone my card has been blocked by public mobile for 14 days for trying too many times (despite my correct CC info stored on my account). What a ridiculous amount of time! I do not consider this to be resolved.

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Hello @steele93


I'm sorry to hear about the credit card payment issue 😞 


Don't worry I will help you out, can you please send me a private message with your Public Mobile phone number? 





* Please do not post private info such as: phone number, account number, pin etc.. This is a public forum.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

To be honest with you, there is only 2 possible explanations for this:

1 - On the credit card side: Whether there is a hold on the card, or there is a block, or a daily limit, or you exceeded something. what credit card compnanies do as well is that they can place a hold on your card if there are multiple failed processing attempts on it. That is why they recommend not to try running your card if it fails twice. your credit card compnay should be able to see all transactions (processed and failed) and should be able to tell you what code it is for failed transactions. Code 05 or 50 usually means insufficient funds/ limit exceeded/ or a hold. Either way, your credit card compnay have the ability to see failed attempts and should be able to provide the reasons why

2 - If it's not related to your credit card...then it might be related to some sort of error on PM side. If you exhausted all options and you are %100 sure it's not your credit card or credit card company, then i recommend sending a private message to one of the moderators for input. They are gone for tonight but I am sure if this issue is directly related to PM site or processing service, then they would be able to let you know and assist.


Either way, I am sure it will be resolved...keep us updated by posting and please mark your post as resolved, once resolved, so that it's easier to track and assist other people who might encounter the same situation.

Seems you are stuck for tonight. Robot Frustrated


Should be sorted tomorrow.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Mods will fix you up in the morning, just hold tight. I know it can be frustrating:(

I really hope they fix these credit card processing bugs get fixed, it only seems to happen during activation and at renewal time.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Regular.  It accepted my partial payment earlier today with the info I had stored and now rejects any payments.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Is it a prepaid or reloadable credit card. Those might not work all the time.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have verified multiple times that there is nothing wrong on their end.


Sat on the phone for 1 hour (30 minutes on hold, 30 minutes trying various combinations of address info to see if that would work).  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

try contacting your credit card company/ the number on the back of your card and see if there are any issues with the card/

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks.  This method at least gets the system to show a balance owing of $50, but my credit card simply won't be accepted any way I try.  


I appreciate the help!

Unfortunately you may not get a response from the moderators until the morning. You could try again after clearing your browser cache or with a different browser. Also, this procedure sometimes clears suspended accounts:


  • Click the Make Payment to Change Plan button to be directed to the Payment flow. 
  • Once the payment is complete, click Go Back button to be redirected to the Change My Base Plan page.
  • Submit the order effective immediately


Meanwhile, if you need to make phone calls try an application like that from It provides free calling across Canada from wherever you are connected to wifi.


Hang in there.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire



1 of the moderators @Saray_O can help you out... just private message them and they reolve this issue quickly

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