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Coverage in areas Telus vs Koodo vs pm

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I’ve had people say that other phone network sales people claim even in major cities like Vancouver that pm may not have as good and reliable coverage as it’s two big sisters

is this just sour grapes from salespeople who are trying to dissuade pm purchases or is there any truth to this

has anyone out there noticed  actual coverage differences between pm Telus and Koodo in larger urban areas I’m really interested in Vancouver area first but would like feed back on all differences as well thanks in advance


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Coverage is great in Vancouver. I've had 0 issues the 2 years i've used public mobile. 


They use the same towers as telus so really you are getting the telus coverage.


Hope you decide to sign up!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Dz11, just like Rogers/Fido/Chatr family, the SIM/phone will connect to the same network, or cell tower.  I don't think it's possible to have all networks attach to the same towers and each provider, be it Telus Koodo or PM, have different signal strengths.  I think if that was possible it would cost too much and cause too much headache for the company to implement and maintain.  Keep in mind, some cell phones may not have a good connection because it's just a bad phone (i.e. poor built in antennas), so some users might say it's the network when it's actually the phone.  Perfect example is with me and my wife, we're both with PM, she has an LG G2 and I have an LG G3, she has poor connection in some spots in our home while my connection is fine.  I would contribute that to a cell phone issue and not the network.

@NDesai, @choding, @Dz11@Effort:


Coverage is absolutely identical between all Telus brands. In fact, the cellular base station is unable to selectively provide service between Telus, Koodo and PM subscribers on different frequency bands.


If people are using the exact same phone, they will have the exact same coverage.


Voice calls can be higher quality and faster to connect withTelus and Koodo, but this is because of VoLTE, not cellular coverage.


Speeds are also the same for all, with the exception of the "3G" plans on PM, which are limited by the profile from the core network.


Prior to Bell's acquisition of MTS, it's possible that PM subscribers were not allowed to roam on Rogers/MTS. However, now it's native coverage so it doesn't matter.


Hope that helps.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

It is business, not for the charity.

even they share the tower of network. there are difference between them.

I felt some so that Koodo is better than PM.

nowdays most people use Text more than Voice.

they felt as same as them. but on the voice is difference.

it is same as internet as rogers, bell, some cheap internet provider.

it seems like the line is shared with companies, theire is priority of the service.

After change to Koodo,  I like service.



Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

You know, the network is the exact same network at Telus. The same network Koodo uses. Same towers, equipment and everything. Literally the only difference is that data is throttled down to 3G speed. Service is *the same* as the other brands under the Telus umbrella. Maybe not the case back when they were not Telus owned.

Let's tag someone who knows about these things. @sheytoon We would like to know the reason behind some people getting slightly better signal on koodo compare to on Public Mobile.

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Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I felt the coverage of three is same but the quality of  call, lte and text is a little bit different.

when i used PM for call, there are some delay to connect the servet, but nothing on Koodo.

Probably, Telus is way better than PM because of the Price.

As you use the phone for business, you should go Telus.


@Dz11 wrote:

That’s what I’ve been telling people but I have seen other threads that in out in The boonies in Manitoba Koodo works but pm doesn’t as they are piggybacking on someone else’s network and pm doesn’t have permission so wondered if it’s true sharing or if it falls down at some point even in urban areas

Prior to Bell buying and integrating MTS into their system, I would not recommend any bellus brand in Manitoba.  Now bellus is the best option for Manitoba.  

@Effort wrote:

There are reports of a weaker signal with Public Mobile in comparison with Koodo or Telus though. Not that it matters when your network is speed limited to 3 Mbit and you don't have VoLTE.

Those reports are from people retweeting misinformation.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

There are reports of a weaker signal with Public Mobile in comparison with Koodo or Telus though. Not that it matters when your network is speed limited to 3 Mbit and you don't have VoLTE.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

That’s what I’ve been telling people but I have seen other threads that in out in The boonies in Manitoba Koodo works but pm doesn’t as they are piggybacking on someone else’s network and pm doesn’t have permission so wondered if it’s true sharing or if it falls down at some point even in urban areas

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Coverage is identical for Telus, Koodo, and PM.  They are all owned and operated by Telus, so use the exact same network.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

As a ps I’ve noticed really good coverage  although I haven’t had a chance yet to test outgoing areas 

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