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Can't sign in

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Having the same problem with not being able to sign in. When I enter everything I get a "page expired" and there's is nothing else I can do 


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I love you, this worked, I cleared everything again just to be sure, then tried to sign in but did not click "log in" and it worked. Thanks man 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I found a way to get around the "page expired" thing. 

After entering your password just hit your enter button on keyboard. Do NOT hit the log in button. 

I have my login info autofill with saved passwords. Once I choose this I wait a few seconds and I am logged in. I do NOT hot the black login button or I get "page expired"

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I tried that, I cleared my history, tried a different browser as well still nothing. I had this same problem a few months ago 

@KyleJohn wrote:

Having the same problem with not being able to sign in. When I enter everything I get a "page expired" and there's is nothing else I can do 

Please try logging in by using the browser's incognito mode.

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