I recently switched to Public Mobile, and when I try to call certain numbers, I receive a ‘call failed’ message. I just ported my number over yesterday and am unsure if there’s a setting on my phone that needs to be changed. It works when I call some numbers, but not others
@Lux99 wrote:I recently switched to Public Mobile, and when I try to call certain numbers, I receive a ‘call failed’ message. I just ported my number over yesterday and am unsure if there’s a setting on my phone that needs to be changed. It works when I call some numbers, but not others
Number porting is unrelated to issues with making outgoing calls. Sometimes, and for unknown reasons, dialing 1 before the area code might increase the rate of successfully placed phone calls.
@Lux99, have you noticed any pattern as to which numbers are not working? If you try calling them again a while later does it work? Have you had any issues with calls coming in? If you haven't done so already, trying restarting the phone and/or turning you phone's airplane mode on and then off again