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Bonus Gigs

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I changed from Virgin Mobile this afternoon to Public Mobile and I am dissapointed..My setup was done at Walmart and when I got home to set up my account I see that new sign ups can receive 2 GB of data by entering a promo code..why would I not receive that same deal from Walmart..I got 2.5 Gigs of data but I should qualify for the extra 2 gigs.


Mayor / Maire


So let me get this were unsatisfied with virgin mobile and you shopped around and found public mobile's $35/2.5gb plan (3gb w/autopay) and without looking for any more info on how to save money or use a promo code or a referral code (?)you went to Wal-Mart and activated (did they give you a free sim card?)and went home joined the community and found out you missed out on 2gb of bonus plan data ( that you don't really need because otherwise you would have activated on the $40/5gb plan) so now you are disappointed?


Then to top it off you are given some advice to contact customer support and ask if they can add it anyways....which they might....but oh because you can't pick up the phone to do this but rather have to type out your request and wait maybe an hour for a reply you are going to throw up your arms and waste the money you already spent on a plan and just port out to your old provider that you were unhappy with in the first place?


Many of us have been in your shoes....all happy to escape their previous provider only to sign up and realize that you could have gotten a free sim card, I missed a free month promo by activating a day early....a far too long after activating I found out that even though I looked high and low for a friend with a referral code I could have private messaged a new friend on the community and asked for theirs and asked customer support to add it afterwards?!! Oh well.....I have no real complaints as I took the bull by the horns and referred my way to having two accounts with $0 bills. Don't look at your glass as half empty but as half full and make  he most of it.





To contact customer support click below:

To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.


Sounds like the Walmart sales rep didn’t know about the bonus gb. If the sale rep knew, they should have entered it when activating the SIM.

When my friend activated his SIM at LD, I told him to make sure the sales reps entered my referral code and promo code…no issues. He got $10 off his bill, free 2gb bonus and I got my $1 reward.

@kenchappel wrote:

Thank you for your I understand what community hard to get to talk to somebody with the provider so..Guess I will jump ship tomorrow.

@kenchappel  - well this is prepaid, so you in it (or at least paid it for 30 days). Why not use it before you port out again?


Since you activated in store, you may not have created your self serve account yet.

You can register for one here:

and nicely manage your account with it.






Always a good idea to do a bit of research before choosing a mobile provider.  


Public Mobile does not hide behind what it provides - and it ain't much unless you're a self-starter who is very comfortable with self-serve type services.


Heck, here's a past logo which still holds true:





Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for your I understand what community hard to get to talk to somebody with the provider so..Guess I will jump ship tomorrow.

@kenchappel wrote:

No problems...just want the extra bonus of gigs that other people get

@kenchappel  - I don't blame you really. 

Try submitting a ticket to the Customer Support Public Mobile representatives above and explain nicely.

See if the can help you. 


edit, added missing word

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

No problems...just want the extra bonus of gigs that other people get

@kenchappel wrote:

Thank you..been a member for 4 hours already..Trying to find somebody to talk to but I guess that is impossable...Guess it's time to find a new provider in the morning..not a user friendly setup...Guess I should have stayed with Virgin...Live and learn.

@kenchappel  - so you chose to port over to Public Mobile, okay. 

Are you having issues other than missing the 2GB you thought you might get?


Customer Support can be contacted but only through private messaging by the link provided above.


But if you are having other issues perhaps members here can help. Care to share (but no personal info. here please).

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you..been a member for 4 hours already..Trying to find somebody to talk to but I guess that is impossable...Guess it's time to find a new provider in the morning..not a user friendly setup...Guess I should have stayed with Virgin...Live and learn.

@kenchappel wrote:

Did you get my message

@kenchappel  - we are customers/members like you here on the public forum.


I believe the promo is for online activations only.


You could always try and inquire with customer support to see if the can add the promo for you ... but don't get your hopes up.


To contact the Public Mobile Customer Support Agent (CSA)_Team, there are two methods to reach them found here:


@kenchappel wrote:

I changed from Virgin Mobile this afternoon to Public Mobile and I am dissapointed..My setup was done at Walmart and when I got home to set up my account I see that new sign ups can receive 2 GB of data by entering a promo code..why would I not receive that same deal from Walmart..I got 2.5 Gigs of data but I should qualify for the extra 2 gigs.

When activating at  store, teh carrier needs to pay a sales commission.  You'll find that carriers sometimes give incenitives for customers to perform the activations themselves.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

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