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An unpleasant service journey

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Can anyone let me know if you encountered such a thing that a former reply telling you to wait for a period (like 10 business days) to see if any change happens, however when you come back and were so frustrated to be asked for everything from the scratch? How to deal with it.

I am so frustrated that I haven't got my reference credit/reward reflected to my account so far, and when I got back the original case, they asked me to provide all the things all over again


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks. That's actually the way I did. But anyway I need to keep following up with this.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks Sansan.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks for the advice. That's actually what I did. 

Mayor / Maire


If you go to the original private message to the CS_Agent and Reply to the original pm for an update. The agent will follow-up on your request so you don't need to start from scratch. All your information is attached to the thread.

Mayor / Maire

I'm sorry to hear of your troubles so far. I know what you mean, it is most annoying to explain something to some, then asked to hold and someone else comes and you have to start all over.

Unfortunately,  because we want the services and they are the only ones to be able to assist, we have to comply.

That been said, rewards should take no more than 3 days.  Let's say 5 tops.

Perhaps something was not done correctly at the initial setup. A number or letter was transposed. 

Please continue to work with them and this will be solved soon.

Mayor / Maire

HI @Jiew75 

I can just imagine how frustrating that must be. That is one of the biggest downfalls of Public Mobile. Consistency. Their customer service is overseas which in my opinion is a huge issue. Each case, if can be fixed by the one person, is easy. But if it's a complex issue, then sadly multiple agents get involved and can really screw things up. 

My best advice, tell them you're not interested in starting from scratch as all the information is there already and you would like to escalate it to a supervisor. Just go to your mail box and enter in to the "Sent" folder and reply to one of the ones you sent them. Plain and simple. 

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