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Add Text messaging to new plan

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Just signed up to a new plan on Dec. 1 and have been getting 611 messages that my plan doesnt include text messaging.  So I tried to add it but could not see how so decided if i just redid my whole plan and added text messaging that would resolve it.  It didnt ... I just got a big credit to my account and now am once again 611 messages that my plan doesnt have text messaging...this is so frustrating for something that should be so easy to resolve.  I dont want a whole bunch of credit on my account...I just want to pay for adding text messaging.



@tomoreilly, text cannot be purchased as an addon.  It has to be selected as an included plan feature.  Since it will be expensive to repurchase the plan again and lose the credits from the initial plan purchase, I suggest you private message the moderator team and work with them to revise your account. The moderator team can be reached via private message using this link.  Refer to the following link for information on contacting the moderator team.

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