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Account suspended.. Made my payment 2 days ago. What happened?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have an issue, my account has been suspended and requires me to pay to reactivate my plan. Why? I literally just paid 3 days ago for the 3 month plan. I had moderator Shazia_K, change my plan, and had it upgraded. I had enough funds to cover to account upgrade. Now it's suspended and asking me to pay?


On top of this, my mom also has the exact same problem. Her payment was made on July 24th, for a 3 month plan as well. 


@CS_Agent Please help?


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

It happened at some point over night, woke up this morning to find that I was unable to make phone calls and data wasn't working. Checked self-serve and it states that the plan has been suspended (only two weeks into the 90 day period at this point).


Messaged them about ~15-20 minutes ago, waiting for a reply. The moderator team is usually pretty quick but I have a feeling this might take a little longer because they're likely about to be swamped with private messages.


GPS should still work without data -- if you have a Wi-Fi connection and are using Google Maps, tap on the menu in the top left, tap offline maps, add a map and download the area that you need. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yeah that's what I'm thinking, seeing 3 other posts regarding the same issue. Okay I will do that. When did you have this issue, and how fast were they able to correct it? I'm heading out to a road trip today and i need my data for GPS.. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

There appears to have been a glitch in the system causing multiple accounts to be suspended prematurely (I am currently affected by this issue myself).


Send a message to @Moderator_Team with your e-mail address, phone number and account number (located at the top right of the self-serve page) and let them know your service has been prematurely suspended and which plan you're on.

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