04-06-2018 03:08 PM - edited 04-06-2018 03:13 PM
Hey Community,
When we announced that we would be closing down our Public Lab, we also committed to collecting your feedback and ideas in more actionable ways. Below is one example of how we plan to do just that.
Some feedback we’ve been regularly hearing is that new customers are having a difficult time understanding our 90-day plans. I recently witnessed this confusion firsthand, when a family member joined Public Mobile. She asked questions like: What is a 90-day plan? And, if I get a 90-day plan, how does the payment work? Do I pay every 30 days for a 90 day period or do I pay for the full 90 days upfront? Being the only carrier in Canada who provides 90-day plans, it is not surprising that this is the response, and we recognize that offering a plan for this length of time is unfamiliar for most. That is why, from now until April 20th, we want to work with you to see how we can make it easier for everyone to understand.
Today, we communicate the 90-day total within the plan calculators on our plans page, activation portal and Self-Serve. The total is displayed as follows:
We are looking to update this view in order to address the confusion some customers are experiencing when they purchase a 90-day plan.
Here’s how it will work
Below, you will you find several design and copy ideas that we’ve come up with. There are 4 versions, so please make sure to pay close attention to which variant you like.
After April 20th, we will review the submissions, with particular focus on the most Bravo’d options. While we will be closely looking at the designs which have the most Bravo’s, we will also take into consideration other factors, such as how design elements impact timelines, when making the selection. We may also find that a combination of the options is best, and decide to pull them together for the ultimate customer-friendly design. From there, we will make the big reveal!
We are looking forward to seeing all the creative ideas, and hearing your thoughts!
-Public Mobile Community Team
04-18-2018 11:37 AM
I like option 4, but is there an opportunity instead of a star to announce the anticipated savings i.e. that's about $35.00/30 days - a savings of $5/30 days? If the client sees they will save $5 per month then they can really see the tangible benefit of going 90 days over 30 days. As well it makes it transparent to a new client who maybe looking at other providers.
04-18-2018 10:23 AM
@on2wheels, if you buy a 30 day plan, data resets every 30 days.
If you buy a 90 day plan, the data resets every 90 days.
Why is this so difficult to understand?
04-18-2018 10:17 AM - edited 04-19-2018 12:07 PM
I only voted once, for Option 4, but can you also add something to the plan page for how your data will be distributed through the 90 days and if it carries over past the 90?
I'm looking at getting a 90 day plan instead of that koodo deal and want to be clear on how these plans work first.
Edit: why are people criticising our suggestions? They asked us for them, we're honest, now people are bullying us for pointing out things that can help people. I'm not the only one with uncertainties about the 90 day plans, I've never heard of them before coming here, PM needs to explain them.
04-18-2018 12:08 AM
Option 4. Also, you should provide invouces by default. 😀
04-17-2018 04:37 PM - edited 04-17-2018 04:39 PM
@rsa wrote:
The $40 for 30 day plan
- 2 GB Data⁴ (1 GB + 1 GB Bonus)
- UNLIMITED Talk Canada-wide
- UNLIMITED International Textand Picture Messaging
- VOICEMAIL & Call Display
(works out to 6GB of data and $120 for 90 days less $6 for autorenewal=$114)
$120 for 90 plan
- - 3 + 3GB BONUS at 3G Speed /90 Days
- - Unlimited International Text (*also includes picture messaging)
- - Unlimited Provincial Talk
- (also includes voicemail)
(works out to 6GB of data and $120 for 90 days less $6 for autorenewal=$114)
The 30 day plan is more of less the same except it includes international calling, not povince-wide. Am I correct in this understanding?
Yes, the difference to the 30 day plan is it includes *Canada-wide* calling instead of povince-wide.
Between those plans, the only advantage to the longer plan is the flexibility of being able to spread 6GB of data however you want over 90 days instead of 2GB over 30 days. Otherwise, the shorter plan could be a significantly better deal depending on your calling pattern.
04-17-2018 01:32 PM
TY. Just edited after reading the previous page>_>
04-17-2018 01:26 PM
@rsa I believe there isn't really a "difference" anymore
04-17-2018 01:19 PM - edited 04-17-2018 01:31 PM
When I signed up for the 90 day plan I found the loyalty rewards confusing (spcifically how they impact the price for the 90 day plan), it wasn't immedeatly apparent to me that the savings were the same.
e.g., If I sign up for 90 day plan I pay $120 for the next 90 days, if I then sign up for auto renewalI I'll save $6 off the following 3 months, so for the next 180 days I pay 120+114=234
vs. If I get the 30 day plan I pay $40 for the first 30 days, and then I can sign up for autorenewal and save $2 the following month so for the next 180 days I pay 40+38+38+38+38+38, or more comparably 116+114=230
When in reality I think you get a $6 credit if you sign up for autorenewal right away.
That being said, having check the prices just now to write the above, now I'm actually confused. I can see that now the 90 dayplans work out to the same cost as their 30 day equivalents (which is new, they were slightly cheaper than their 30 day equivalents before). But the $40 for 30 day plan is the same price and is actually better than my current $120 for 90 day plan.
The $40 for 30 day plan
(works out to 6GB of data and $120 for 90 days less $6 for autorenewal=$114)
$120 for 90 plan
(works out to 6GB of data and $120 for 90 days less $6 for autorenewal=$114)
The 30 day plan is more of less the same except it includes international calling, not povince-wide. Am I correct in this understanding?
04-15-2018 09:58 PM
I prefer option #4
Anyone else thinks option #2 is the most confusing one? 🤔
04-15-2018 05:09 PM
Hi @U2dave67, Unused data amounts that are part of the plan (30/90 day) do not roll over into the next period with Public Mobile. Some carriers do this, but not PM.
Also, you have posted to a topic that is unrelated to your specific issue. In the future, you should always start a new topic in the most appripriate category. That way your question/issue will get the most exposure and the quickest response.
04-15-2018 05:08 PM
@U2dave67 No, that's not a plan feature at Public Mobile. You paid for it and you're welcome ot use it all up, every byte of it, but it was to be within the 90 day cycle. Rollover of unused plan data is not a feature at Public Mobile, and none of the plans mention any such feature.
04-15-2018 04:59 PM
I pay for 9gb over 3 months....I end up using only 7.5 gb. ...I should get the 1.5 added to my next 3 months....I paid for it....now it's gone.....please fix this.
04-15-2018 03:40 PM
Hi All,
Option #3 looks good. It tells us how much we would pay for a total of 90 days and then it breaks down to say that is about 35 a month. Clean and neat. Also I agree with one says having 1 month and 3 months instead of 30 day plan and 90 day plan respectively. It just sounds better. Isn't it what we always say: how much do you pay monthly?
04-14-2018 02:13 AM
@brent_liza wrote:What is the benefit of 3 months? I see that the plan costs the same for 30 days vs 90 days.
@brent_liza yeah, that only started today. Up until then, it was a little cheaper on a per-30-day-basis to get the equivalent 90 day plan. There are two possible remaining advantages (which could also be disadvantages depending on your circumstances):
1) Assuming you have the same overall amount of data (e.g. 500MB for a 30 day plan or 1.5GB for a 90 day plan), you have more flexibility about when you use that data in a 90 day plan. With the 30 day plan, if you burn through your (in this example) 500MB of data in the first two weeks (for example), you're left with either living without data until you renewal, buying a pricey data add-on, or paying for an early renewal. With the 90 day equivalent plan, assuming you notice it in time, you can adjust your usage for the remaining approx 8 weeks, using it more sparingly. Things like that. As I say, this could be a negative if you don't keep an eye on things, if you manage to burn through your 90 days worth in say 3 or 4 weeks.
2) Less frequent payments. Again, this can be a pro or con depending on your fiscal situation, whether you carry a balance on your credit card, etc. If you're on AutoPay and not running a tight budget, either is about as convenient as each other. If you pay manually, you only have to pay 1/3 as often with the 90 day plans, so it's less hassle. If you're usually near your credit card limit, the smaller but more frequent payments on a 30 day plan may be more beneficial. It's all a bit relative and individual, really.
04-13-2018 09:40 PM
I like option 2. When I was signing up today. I was a little confused about the verbiage so I did only one month. What is the benefit of 3 months? I see that the plan costs the same for 30 days vs 90 days.
04-13-2018 12:52 AM
One other suggestion to take back to marketing
STOP including autopay rewards
It confuses people when you say "$30 per month autopay included"
Just write $32 if it actually costs $32
04-12-2018 08:25 PM
@Brooke_C wrote:OPTION 2
I think option #2 is the best of the choices, because it states clearly that the $105 is paid up front for the 90 days. People can do the easy math themselves to determine the 30-day cost, so that detail can be left out or stated after the $105. I recommend you don't use the word "about" when the exact cost is easily calculable, or customers might wonder if there are other hidden fees they need to worry about. And whatever you do, please don't factor the autopay reward into the main sticker price as has been done with most plans advertised on your front page. That could lead to more confusion, and not everyone likes or can use autopay.
04-12-2018 05:29 PM
@rwboyd wrote:Of these 4 options #3 seems the best..
Personally I think another option would be better:
Remove the 30 or 90 day buttons at the top.. 3 columns to pick Call / Txt / Data choices then have this at the bottom of the calculator:
Option #5
i think that will be the best but more detals (like: if you pay at 30 days subtotal)
04-12-2018 04:22 PM
3 or 4 look good. Don't understand the confusion since all carriers have options for numerous months too.
04-12-2018 01:18 PM
Option 1 ftw.
04-12-2018 11:10 AM
I like both 3 and 4 but I feel 4 is the best.
04-11-2018 02:41 PM
OPTION 3 is simple and straight forward, easy understand.
04-11-2018 01:01 PM
@Noosiekins, but you could pay on July 1st, and then again for 30 days on July 31st.
Still doesn't work out. Good try 😉
In fact, you would have 13 payements in *some* years depending on your start date, as the year has 365 (or 366 in a leap year) days.
04-11-2018 12:32 PM
Perhaps indicate when payments are required... like
"Paid monthly"
"Paid every 90 days"
04-11-2018 12:30 PM
As did I. I found it perfectly clear the first time I read it. However, 1 month and 3 months are not accurate. That would imply that you pay on the same date every month, or every 3 months. It's just not accurate.
04-11-2018 12:28 PM
I never found it hard to understand. It's pretty straight forward.
04-11-2018 12:22 PM
It may be clearer, but it's not accurate.
04-11-2018 12:15 PM
1 month and 3 months will certainly be clearer
04-10-2018 04:04 PM
Of these 4 options #3 seems the best..
Personally I think another option would be better:
Remove the 30 or 90 day buttons at the top.. 3 columns to pick Call / Txt / Data choices then have this at the bottom of the calculator:
Option #5
04-10-2018 09:15 AM
I chose option 3. On the PM home page you should start with "HOW DO OUR 90 DAY PLANS WORK?"
Then explain how the 90 days is a block, forget about monthly blocks. Your plan is for 90 days. Your data is good for 90 days, not 3 months, and not 3 blocks of 30 days.
I dunno, something like that might clear up some confusion.