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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,554 REPLIES 5,554

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Very easy for PM to satisfy current customers, just make all plans available to all new and current customers, people can pick up their plan with not very much additional charge, even they get less data. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes exactly.  I am not getting as great of a discount now because of the change but for me PM is still the best deal because there are not many options in Newfoundland.  I will keep an eye on deals and leave if I find something better but for now I will be sticking around.  I do strongly dislike that the new system can't be set up to be automatic and requires me to go in and manually do it myself every couple months but it is what it is. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


No problem. I have made my decision as to what direction I will go. 🥴🥴🥴

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

...well, so much for CCTS, if they're unbiased, they should be able to compile the number of similar requests/complaints and then take some kind of action, like approaching the company with the numbers and at least see. If there's nothing they can DO...

It's more like there's nothing they want to do...

Unfortunately PM is so ambiguous in their approach they can make it swing in any direction ☹️

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It sucks to have an increase like that for sure but basically at $15 per month plus tax for unlimited Canada wide talk and text I think it’s best deal out there . Personally I’m losing too but I’m still recommending them as they are the cheapest and I get $1 per referral. In your case is that $3 per month for referrals? On top you get .75 per month as well as $10 per year for loyalty . So maybe 4.5$ in discounts . Not as good as before but for what you get around 12$ per month is a great deal still 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

This new rewards system sucks.
My bill went from $6.72 to $16.80.....
The only credit in points i got this month is 3 for loyalty.
So my bill essentially doubled.

I will no longer be recommending public mobile as a cheap alternative for non-phone users like myself.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Basically the bonus system is at PMs discretion and they can change it anytime with some notice  . Your recourse if you don’t like it is to leave . In my view as long as the price is the best and phone service is good  it doesn’t really matter if they screw me on the bonus system . 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I received a phone call from CCTS last week.  Basically explained to me because of PMs terms of service they cannot do anything and asked me to agree to close it out.  I told them I wanted to at least have my bonus datas have no expiration date so it could possibly be useful but they reiterated they cannot make PM do anything.

HI @MintBerry 

but what outcome you expect? 

i don't think PM will give you back $7 /month 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I've been at the Resolution Officer stage since late April.

I contacted them a couple weeks ago saying I've heard from no one a month later and the response back was "Please note that your case is currently in conciliation which means it is pending with a Complaint Resolution Officer, which is why we do not have a set due date to provide."

So basically, they will get around to it when they feel like it.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes my loss is about $5 per month

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I’m in the same situation and totally agree with you.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks for your thoughts.

Well, when I look at my credit card, it was $46 last month, now it's $56.  To me that's $10.

Yes, apparently I have some points that I might be able to use when the total is high enough.  My point was that with the automatic reduction, I didn't have to do anything. Now, I have to go into the account every other month or so to add a bill credit.  My wife's plan is different than mine, so I will have to do hers at other times as well. This is less convenient than it was.  Now I actually have to pay attention to get the best value.

hi @StevenG1 for sure you won't lose $10 in an account. People at most lose $7 without considering the points they earn.  If you consider the points back, people at most lose $5.5, could be less

You said $10, you probably through you will lose 3 friend referrals. But you are keeping the friend referrals rewards, they are just giving in points 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Well, now that it's launched, it is really disappointing.  All I can see for sure is that my monthly charge has gone up $10 and my wife's has gone up $7.   After 5 years with Public Mobile on automatic renewals, I now have to do something every month in order to get my price reduction that was automatic before.  The rest of the things available are of no interest to me.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Crazy part is I have had no official communication back directly from Public Mobile at all 👀

Based on others comments I don't have high hopes however I'll still update any useful details I obtain during this process 😅

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@jhhead wrote:

Has anyone got an update or anything useful from a CCTS complaint?

I submitted a CCTS complaint accepted April 23 and have yet to hear anything at all from either Public Mobile or CCTS since. 

Got this update from CCTS today:

Dear <my name> , Public Mobile has informed us that your complaint remains unresolved. The details, as described by Public Mobile: See attached unresolved and supporting documents Your complaint is being moved to the next stage of our process. A Complaints Resolution Officer will be in contact with you to explain the next steps in our process. Sincerely, CCTS Assessment Team
They then included PM supporting documents and their objection writeup. However best part was they provided a file that compares both programs and explains everything... and it has reference to the 1 point / month with PM. I found this amusing and have replied back advising that this was not the case and PM removed this without 30 days notice.

My hope is I can at least get my $59 based on this... we shall see 🤞

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

These rewards suck! The old program is why I stayed for 5 years, good way to lose loyal customers 



It is against Community guidelines for members to post referral codes for personal gain

hi @marcnoel 

and the terms clearly implies that as long as that rewards system still exists, customers can earn the loyalty rewards. But now the legacy rewards system is dead, gone, no longer exists, then of course they won't earn that rewards.  Many customers just don't understand the legal meanings of all those words.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Out of curiosity, I looked to see what had been said in the past about Rewards, and came across this, originally posted on January 2, 2015 :




Note that the Loyalty image says you will earn a recurring reward as long as you remain an active PM member on that account.  It doesn't say you will continue to earn the denoted amounts in that post, only A reward.

Also note that the end part says PM reserves the right to change all rewards at its sole discretion and without advance notice.

I don't know what the exact wording in past was, as it wasn't important to me, but I'm wondering if those who are upset are thinking that we are supposed to get the last-offered rewards as long as we remained with PM, but it's actually that we will get a referral reward as long as the referral remains with PM.  Not the same thing.

HI @SeniorCitizen 

you wonder why PM not response, but this is not a "Public" hearing but just announcement thread.  PM is here to announce and not asking our advise , at least not in this thread

you know how you can get your voice heard.. just submit a ticket with CS agent


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@LJX wrote:

What would be awesome to have is an auto-redemption feature for the discount redemption that mimics what the old system does. This way we don't have to consciously go to the Awards page, select the type of redemption, then apply it. 

Good idea. I suggested that weeks ago. On deaf ears? Who knows? This thread is psychologically set up to vent with no reply from PM. I can see the tide turning  a bit towards pro PM. Yes they can make the change, but all of us that built up referrals for both of our benefits, they have broken our trust and faith in PM. This decision is all greed.  Based on my needs and plans at lower costs that exactly meet my needs, I  know what I “might” keep and I know what accounts are going to be ported out. But darn it…..I got an unexpected referral today. Am I going immediately….no……when my PM costs exceed what I can get elsewhere. 

hi @LJX yes, this is really a good suggestion. Hope PM will make this happen 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

What would be awesome to have is an auto-redemption feature for the discount redemption that mimics what the old system does. This way we don't have to consciously go to the Awards page, select the type of redemption, then apply it. 

HI @funpig1 

i understand and agree PM didn't do a good job in that area

But thinking back calmly, that is a incentive for voluntarily migration.  Now it gets to a point of force migration, PM really no need to continue offer that 

Anyway, it is what it is, we can't turn back the clock and migrate it again to take advantage.  And there was a post confirmed that rewards is an incentive PM has full control and not like those government body can step in

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Some food for thought - Anyone that was on Rewards has been around long enough to see plan offerings and prices change significantly. In the past year, PM introduced 5G data plus unlimited throttled, in some cases. Long-term customers perhaps had a smokin' deal (for them), and, therefore, no reason to change (a $ 15.00 plan with enough rewards that their bill was 0, for example). Others may have had a higher-priced plan, and, most likely, switched to better plans over time. For example, switching from a $ 25.00 1 GB plan to a 20 GB plan for the same price. We can assume that, since some people are upset about the loss of some discounts, they are interested in paying less, so they would monitor plans for better deals. So now, PM may have two types of legacy customers - ones that are on the cheapest plans, and paying little-to-nothing, or else those who've continued to pay the same or less while getting more. In both cases, PM is losing out. They get little or nothing from the first bunch, and get less and/or give more to the others. Those aspects, combined with the notion that they bought our loyalty with their cheap prices, has resulted in them getting so little from those customers that it is not worth maintaining the rewards structure. In my business, I tell everyone up-front that there are no extensions if a person misses a workout. If I extend or adjust, my monthly income goes down, but my monthly expenses remain the same. Creditors don't care if I'm making a go of it. They just want their money. Below a certain point, it is no longer worth it to me to train someone. My time has a certain value, and if I can't get it, I'd rather just keep the time open. I'm not going to just give it away. The same applies to PM. Loyalty won't pay the bills if there's not enough revenue.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

If you've ever heard the saying, "It's easy to love someone because. Real love is in spite of.", a similar thing has happened here. We keep hearing about how PM should have rewarded the loyalty of all those who have stayed with PM. Why did we stay all this time? Because it was such a good deal. In a sense, PM bought our loyalty. Now that it's not as good a deal, we're out the door. Is that loyalty? We didn't stay when things got worse, only if they stayed the same or got better. Is this how we are to look at life?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

It doesn’t matter.  Public Mobile tried to bribe everyone to opt out of the program, then told everyone they were being forced later, at which point they decided not to honor their agreement.  Just because the company added some sleezy language to their ever-changing TOS doesn’t make it any better.  I will be leaving the carrier once my prepaid reaches zero and will forever trash the company online and elsewhere, as will many.  If anyone decides to sue or file a complaint, I will also join.

In the chance that Public did cover their ass legally, I can only hope the worst for them going forward.  This was a bull**bleep**, scummy move we rarely see from corporations, and that’s saying a lot.  Everyone should be condemning Public Mobile over this, there is NO good reason to call them justified.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Indeed, and furthermore, in the so-called offer made to me, the reminder that my anniversary payout was in August, I held off thinking I would make until this, my tenth year as a customer and so capitalize on the $120 coming to me, plus whatever else, which at the time totalled $135, which I WAS expecting to receive at this forced acceptance. Talk about bad faith, ambiguous and random. I do not know how many hours of boardroom conniving it took them, but it is certainly costing us collectively. Just for that, I am going to look into this complaint platform, as we all should too.

PS in their streak of unclarity, offering a salad bowl of "free" data, after making you pay for a hearty meal, is the ultimate in bad faith, redundancy and manipulation...

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