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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,554 REPLIES 5,554

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@MintBerry  This is what I did.

You can open a ticket where you request help from a CSR. Then just request that you want to remain with the Legacy Rewards program. Of course they will respond that it's not possible but at least then you'll have a record that you tried to resolve your complaint with PM before making your CCTS complaint. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Happy Easter to all who celebrate.

Telcos Review, PM ToS met: edited to remove customer review statistics & hyperlinks.

Depending on what happens with PM’s $24 plan, if made available to everyone, then I’ll probably stay, as I've never had problems with PM. I’m taking advantage of my Legacy Rewards until May when, if it’s worthwhile, I’ll begin comparison shopping.

Fizz Mobile seems to be the most comparable to PM, with respect to the plans offered, website navigation, ease of use & the community. My own requirements met, it’s the carrier I would migrate to, if necessary.

Note: Bell & Telus share towers. Bell towers dominate eastern Canada & are shared by Telus, while Telus towers dominate western Canada & are shared by Bell. Rogers coverage is coast to coast. Despite this, many complaints were connectivity related, so you might want to check map coverage / tower locations local to you for work & home.

For the most budget friendly service providers, I’ve looked at customer reviews from several sources, in addition to their own websites. I’ve looked at their plans, support features if any & website navigation.

Fido Mobile: Rogers Network / Owned by Rogers: complaints re: customer service & billing issues.

Fizz Mobile: Rogers/Vidéotron Network / Owned by Québecor: good for internet, not as good for phones.

Freedom Mobile: Freedom/Vidéotron Network / Owned by Québecor: complaints re: customer support & connectivity issues.

Koodo Mobile: Telus Network / Owned by Telus: complaints re: customer support, billing & connectivity issues.

Lucky Mobile: Bell Network / Owned by Bell: complaints: bad in general.

PC Mobile: Bell Network / Owned by Bell: complaints re: customer service, billing & connectivity issues.

Public Mobile: Telus Network / Owned by Telus: complaints re: customer service & billing issues; note: rarely connectivity issues, mostly related to those using 5G who live / work in concrete / eco-friendly buildings, which applies to all service providers.

If you who have the time & patience to do more research, these are just a few of the many sites available. I chose these because of their engagement with a wide demographic, allowing for a better picture overall.

BBB – Cansumer – – Reddit – Trustpilot Reviews

Interesting Facts Regarding 5G Plans:

Jan.’24: Tutorial: How to Switch to A New Cell Provider and Keep Your Number | WhistleOut 

@MintBerry wrote:

Thank you so much!

Message sent and off to CRTC website to file a complaint!

The CRTC isn't who the complaint should have been be sent to.  You'll get a reply back from the CRTC saying that it's the CCTS that handles these types of disputes.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you so much!

Message sent and off to CRTC website to file a complaint!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I've been a faithful customer for years. I've only ever had good things to say about PM and have brought a number of new customers.

The cellular companies in this country are terrible. The only reason not to keep those of us "loyal" customers grandfathered in on our original plans is greed. Don't think that we can't see through the veil of lies hidden behind corporate-speak of "convenience". All that ever truly means is more hassle - How is paying more money more convenient? How is having to log in every month to apply my credits convenient? 

True convenience would be allowing us the option to remain on our program, or switch at will.

And the data gift which expires is like getting a $10 gift card to the most expensive restaurant in town. Great, I'll save ten bucks yet have to spend hundreds of dollars in the meantime for my meal.

Consider this my formal complaint. I'll be visiting the CCTS after this post

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@Patrick_PM wrote:

It looks like CCTS has rejected Public Mobile's response to clients' complaints.

Looks like there's hope. For anyone who's been on the fence about filing a complaint with CCTS, now is a good time to reconsider.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@MintBerry wrote:

Since PM doesn't have a phone line or email to contact to try to resolve first as per CRTC, what are we supposed to use to show we've tried to resolve before filing a complaint?

Is it as simple as this post saying I am not happy with the purposed change as this is not what I was told when I signed up 5 years ago that these rewards would not change.  I stand to lose around $60 a year in savings which is not comparible to the new points system.  I also did not recieve any email about this change and only found out via social media this was going to occur when I got a text about extra data and assumed it was a scam.


Edit:  I found a support ticket option but it just offers the option to opt out and forefit my current rewards and future points, not to actually send in a complaint to PM about this.  Dirty tactics continue.

Send a private message to @CS_Agent 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Since PM doesn't have a phone line or email to contact to try to resolve first as per CRTC, what are we supposed to use to show we've tried to resolve before filing a complaint?

Is it as simple as this post saying I am not happy with the purposed change as this is not what I was told when I signed up 5 years ago that these rewards would not change.  I stand to lose around $60 a year in savings which is not comparible to the new points system.  I also did not recieve any email about this change and only found out via social media this was going to occur when I got a text about extra data and assumed it was a scam.


Edit:  I found a support ticket option but it just offers the option to opt out and forefit my current rewards and future points, not to actually send in a complaint to PM about this.  Dirty tactics continue.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

If they veto the decision I hope they make the points system & the Legacy Rewards hot swappable from one to another.

But with what PM is doing it is a 50/50 chance. Lucky if we ever even get this $$$ saver style back.

@fixin   Fancy way of saying you can gamble by throwing away your public points toward giveaways or purchase add-ons for a slightly reduced price.   Albeit add-ons are almost becoming useless with the huge data plans and Canada-USA plans in the mix.

That's the current extent of the  "more opportunities" "to spend rewards"

@Pre75  The 'good' thing about formalizing it by way of a support ticket is that you have a ticket number as a formal reference of your complaint.   Public Mobile can easily remove (and they have) any posts on this Community site as it's their property, since they own the intellectual rights and every aspect of it.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@abtest - Yeah, I agree with you!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@HALIMACS - Even this post that everyone posted saw this at least once: We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

Okay... only a 5% rewards extra 😖

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I appreciate that, thank you. Regardless, my rant helped. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@kb_mv - People have just posted their anger on the community and their complaint still went through.

@Patrick_PM wrote:

I find the highlighted line below very misleading by Public Mobile:


Based on what folks have experienced with Public Points, folks are saying you earn less.

Exactly how can Public Mobile position it that clients earn more?


They're playing with words to the point of almost lying (at least when it comes to comparing Public Points to the Legacy Rewards program)

It's pretty deceptive, and they know it.  They've likely fooled some, but not all.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I will be filing a complaint with the CCTS. There is a reason I have been a loyal customer for years as well as referring to several friends and family. I will no longer be referring anyone to PM.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I find the highlighted line below very misleading by Public Mobile:


Based on what folks have experienced with Public Points, folks are saying you earn less.

Exactly how can Public Mobile position it that clients earn more?

Mayor / Maire

@Pre75 wrote:

Consider this my formal complaint. I'll be visiting the CCTS after this post. 

@Pre75 I might be mistaken but I think you have to actually engage PM through customer service to show you attempted to get this changed. I don't think posting on a public forum can replace that.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'm with others on my discontent with this decision. I've been a faithful customer for years. I've only ever had good things to say about PM and have brought a number of new customers.

The cellular companies in this country are terrible. The only reason not to keep those of us "loyal" customers grandfathered in on our original plans is greed. Don't think that we can't see through the veil of lies hidden behind corporate-speak of "convenience". All that ever truly means is more hassle - How is paying more money more convenient? How is having to log in every month to apply my credits convenient? This is the telco industry version of self-checkout.

True convenience would be allowing us the option to remain on our program, or switch at will.

And the data gift which expires is like getting a $10 gift card to the most expensive restaurant in town. Great, I'll save ten bucks yet have to spend hundreds of dollars in the meantime for my meal.

Consider this my formal complaint. I'll be visiting the CCTS after this post. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm not sure if these complaints to CCTS is going to work but it can't make the matter any worse. So there is nothing to lose in filing a complaint.

Public Mobile still hasn't however changed their position and proceeding to give out bonus data assuming it will be adequate.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Oh that's easy! Just click the link below the number field and have the code sent to your email.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Luckily you'll still be getting your referral discount every month, one point per referral = $1.00 per referral per month.

The main difference being it won't be automatic, you'll have to log in to redeem your points.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Very discontent with the upcoming change, not only have I been a long time customer, I have brought public many other subscribers in my time with them. The data is not much of a bonus, especially with it on a time limit. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Patrick_PM said;

It looks like CCTS has rejected Public Mobile's response to clients' complaints

This is actually a bit of good news. The squeaky wheel gets the grease so everybody currently on the Legacy Rewards please get your complaint filed with CCTS.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Sadly, same old Telus I suppose; this is the second "de-contenting" effort after $2 Autopay Reward removal.

Another provider is offering  $119/YEAR for:  "4G LTE NATIONWIDE Unlimited Talk & Text, 15GB/year data, Speeds up to 100 Mbps" ...about $9.91 per month compared to PM's similar 3G LTE $25 plan. (I can also say that this other provider grandfathered all of BOTH previous Telco owner's  plans with no price increases - unlike the Rogers' Chatr/Mobilicity mess). 


@HALIMACS wrote:

That’s a good point @kb_mv 

I suspect though when one places their account on lost/stolen, it simply renders service/SIM unusable, but the clock still ticks … so when the cycle is up, it would then go into a suspended status for 89 days and then terminate on day, 90.

So then, I guess the question is does the status of the account officially remain as lost/stolen or does it become suspended beyond the cycle end date? 

Is that where you’re heading with this?


@HALIMACS 👍 Correct LOL.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Pretty unhappy about the upcoming changes as I've been with PM for years and years. I do not even think I can use up 250 GB bonus within 5 months - it makes zero difference if they gave it to me or not. I don't care for that much data for a limited time. More upset about the loss of the loyalty system. It's like PM is just saying take it or leave it. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It looks like CCTS has rejected Public Mobile's response to clients' complaints.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I’m very disappointed about this change with public mobile. This was the whole reason why I stayed with public mobile as it was rewarding loyalty.  All other companies just offered new deals for new customers and forget about the customers they already have. Since Telus took over they’ve been counting down the time that they could make these changes and get more money out of public mobile customers.

This is the last straw as they have lost all my respect in this regards.  I did not change over to the new system, and I will not change over to the new system as I will cancel if things don’t get reversed.

This is my formal complaint that this change is unacceptable and just another example of corporate greed.

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