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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,530 REPLIES 5,530

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Thanks.  So is it ok to contact CCTS ?  or not recommend to contact CCTS according to you, Oracle ? 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


I will pay an extra $ 7.°° every month  .... plus tax =   $ 8.05  ... but I will only get $ 1.25 in Points   

Rewards are better than points 

@Soon-ex-PM-user wrote:

It looks like a few 'Oracle' users do not want us to contact CRTC or CCTS.  Why is that?  FYI: PM probably won't need that many Oracles after the current fiasco. 

The CRTC does not handle complaints between customers and carriers. If you contact the CRTC, you will receive an automated reply infroming of that.  As for oracles, they are customers.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

As far as I know, each complaint costs them around $120 too (probably more now). If even just 1000 subscribers file a report, that's 6-figures right there. False advertising has consequences. So not only did they destroy their reputation with this decision, but it could very well end up costing them far more than anticipated. 

BUT again, each application that is accepted by the CCTS WILL cost PM for the CCTS processing fee, regardless of the outcome.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

It looks like a few 'Oracle' users do not want us to contact CRTC or CCTS.  Why is that?  FYI: PM probably won't need that many Oracles after the current fiasco. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

This is extremely disappointing and I will be looking to switch to a new provider and encouraging my referrals to do the same.

Whether it will matter or not is to be seen BUT each application that is accepted WILL cost PM, as they have to pay for the processing of each complaint.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

So my bill will go up at least $7.00 a month? So much for loyalty. Thanks PM for being there for longtime subscribers!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

No mobile operator values customer loyalty.  Trust no one.

@Antonio_Almeida wrote:

Disappointed and I will more than likely move on elsewhere.  The new rewards nowhere near of those in the old program.  Bearing in mind that this is a rewards program, would the CRTC have any say on this?

The CRTC will send an automated form letter saying that you need to contact CCTS.  Contrary to popular belief, the CCTS isn't there to take sides, and if you ask them, they will specifically tell you that they are only there to encourage dispute resolution.  They will simply ask Public Mobile to contact the customer.  If I a customer decides that the carrier's attempt at resolution isn't acceptable, the CCTS can then be asked to step it, but they're likely just going to find that Public Mobile is allowed to change prices and rewards program. They will follow the Public Mobiel terms of service.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

A ruling through CCTS may be questionable, but a civil case for false or misleading advertising is a different story. You'd be surprised how often "fine print" or terms of service in general, don't hold up against blatant false advertising.

Regardless, consumers should use the CCTS to voice their concerns, as it'll create pressure on the company (deservingly), and at the very least, may protect future subscribers from falling for their trickery.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@computergeek541 wrote:

Public Mobile has never been under any obligation to provide a rewards system. A CCTS complaint would not be ruled in the customer's favor if the process were to go into that far.

I agree.

And I think it's probable that the CCTS would rule in favour of Public Mobile in this instance. Even though Public Mobile keeps on editing and re-editing their announcement in the hopes that nobody is keeping screenshots.

But I also think that enough negative media attention might encourage Public Mobile (Telus) to change their decision. Like it did before. The money they're paying into legacy Rewards might be less than the money they'd lose when many customers leave and the brand receives serious negative reputation.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@computergeek541 ! I wondered where you were. Agree that Public Mobile is under no obligation etc. etc. but enough CCTS complaints would certainly make customers’ displeasure felt.

@Sandalwood1 wrote:

I just received a email on our accounts changing from rewards to points. WOW PM not very nice for your loyal base here. Everyone is talking about this 240GB data expires in 150 days really an expiry date. At minimum give a year on it... My email says I get 5GB not 240 !! lol why do I get punished ?  I have been with PM for 5 years and referred others and promoted them like others here have also done. What a stab in the back. I will be looking at giving my $$ elsewhere. the loyalty bridge has been burned by Telus . The search is now on for my new provider. I hope to see a huge port out this May by users !! Thanks PM 


Unfortunately, the amount of data bonus seems to depend on your original price plan:

$13-$15 plans - 5 GB

$24/$25 plans - 30 GB

$29+ plans - 240 GB  

Not an official annoucement from PM, but what has been mentioned by various customers. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

This was my last expectation from PM especially given the terrible times we're living in. I have been a client of PM for almost 4 years and have also brought over 2 loved ones to your service. My dad has been with PM since 2013, so you were a staple in our household. This change is really making us all consider another carrier. SMH

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

This is a terrible change during this difficult time when everything is becoming more expensive.  I've been a loyal PM client for 5 years.  I will be looking to port out to another carrier if PM doesn't reverse this change.

But it seems PM has forgotten the lesson of the root fiasco... making and then breaking promises, explicit or implied. In this case, stating that the Points Rewards program would be optional.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I just received a email on our accounts changing from rewards to points. WOW PM not very nice for your loyal base here. Everyone is talking about this 240GB data expires in 150 days really an expiry date. At minimum give a year on it... My email says I get 5GB not 240 !! lol why do I get punished ?  I have been with PM for 5 years and referred others and promoted them like others here have also done. What a stab in the back. I will be looking at giving my $$ elsewhere. the loyalty bridge has been burned by Telus . The search is now on for my new provider. I hope to see a huge port out this May by users !! Thanks PM 

@vmec68 wrote:

This has a big effect on seniors! A few members are on low cost plans and need to remain on low cost plans and the rewards is how this is feasible. I will be filing a complaint with CCTS as rewards should remain a "grandfathered" option! 

I will be forced to shop around for an alternative unfortunately. We have been happy with PM otherwise. 

Public Mobile has never been under any obligation to provide a rewards system. A CCTS complaint would not be ruled in the customer's favor if the process were to go into that far.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

This has a big effect on seniors! A few members are on low cost plans and need to remain on low cost plans and the rewards is how this is feasible. I will be filing a complaint with CCTS as rewards should remain a "grandfathered" option! 

I will be forced to shop around for an alternative unfortunately. We have been happy with PM otherwise. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

February 20th, 2018. Never forget ...

[Edit: Too bad I don't subscribe to any social media sites.]

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I have more to say now.

My previous post wasn't even about the switch to points, just about the data issue.

I switched both my wife and myself to $ 15.00 plans, but then found out that she might get only 5 GB, plus, she needed more data, as she was going away this weekend.  I ended up paying $ 34.00 for a 50/unlimited plan, as I didn't know when or how much data she'd get, then I got an e-mail saying she is getting 240.  THAT SHE CAN'T USE.  I am out of pocket $ 64.00, dealing with this.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you so much for this reply. This is exactly what I needed.

Unfortunately, I'll likely be moving service elsewhere since my bill is going to go up $21/month (less the 10 point annual award) for no additional benefit. The referral rewards are fine, though the lack of auto-redemption is also essentially a no-go for me.

It was a good run, I think I've been a customer for 8 or 9 years now. Public Mobile was great for what I needed: I don't need brick and mortar. This question has been the first piece of customer service I've actually needed. I appreciated the low cost offering based on this. Now I can get fairly similar plans elsewhere, so the value proposition is basically gone.

Business is business, and Public Mobile has the freedom to make these decisions. I will be letting them know that I disagree by moving elsewhere.
I really appreciate your reply @Dunkman - all the best.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Customers need to stop assisting others on here. Your loyalty means nothing to Telus. Why are you on here working for pennies per hour. There are people out there who need jobs to support themselves and their families. You are taking jobs away from those people that need them. If you enjoy helping people out do some volunteer work at a shelter, etc.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Not  a fan of this change at all, one of the main reasons why I used public in the first place. And then the 250gb im supposed to use with an expiry??? I think you can do better


Mayor / Maire

I can't say that I'm surprised about the move. However, the way Public Mobile is pulling this off is... outright bad.

Not that we would have been happy dancing, but if there had been a tangible effort to soften the blow of the transition, there would be less anger and more consideration of staying, specially on the low cost plans that will take the main hit.

Instead of taking away the conversion bonus, it could have been applied upon transition in May. Or add a bonus amount when starting the first points cycle - 5 points is ridiculous.

Instead this whole data add-on thing... Really, what were they thinking?? And who came up with those T&C for it?? People on unlimited plans can't access the bonus data. 240GB on the higher plans - who will burn through plan data, that they have chosen because it fits their needs, and then another 50GB on top of that? Expiry date - really? It's a gift and doesn't cost PM anything, why not make it non-expiring?? Oh, and it's taken away if you change plans - we have a couple of plans that have scheduled plan changes... to higher plans. It doesn't feel ok to punish people for changing to smaller plans, why would you tick people off that actually wanted to give you more money??

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@EdN wrote:

Good thing Public Mobile doesn't have retention department.

Things have changed. Carriers have only limited (maybe no?) grounds for refusing a port-out request, and wanting to try to argue with you about leaving isn't one of them.  Even if your carrier has a retentions department, if you really want to go, you don't talk to them - just port out and be done with it.  At most they may send you a winback offer, but they can't actually block you.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I've completely lost my trust in PM as I had to find this out through the forums instead of an email or sms. To force us into the new system is a betrayal to the loyal customers who've been using PM's services for years. Imagine the thousands of customers who're going to switch when they find their bill going up in May with no notice. I don't think it's going end well at all for PM. I myself have been a loyal customer for over 4 years and was planning to stay for years longer, but I guess I'll have to switch, if I can't trust PM no longer, for better alternatives.


@mikewo wrote:

In the FAQ:

"What is the difference between the old Rewards Program and Public Points Program? What do I keep? What do I lose?

For detailed comparisons and what changes to expect, please refer to our current help articles."

Where are these "current help articles". It seems like my plans will change how they are treated/billed, why is it not more clear what the material changes will be?

At the end of the day: Am I paying more for the same service?
Can the points be auto-redeemed?

My wife and father in law are set up on accounts. Neither will be interested in logging in to redeem. Can they auto redeem?

You will be paying more for the same service unfortunately.  Losing $2/month autopay and up to $5/month loyalty rewards.  Referral rewards/points are the same.  5% back per month on plan payments and once a year 10 points on the anniversary date of sign up. 

Points can't be auto-redeemed.  Points customers have to redeem minimum of 15 points for $15 bill credit.  So, no monthly redeemption.  

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