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Top Contributors - July 2016

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired


Hello Community,


July’s birthstone is the ruby, which is a symbol of contentment.  Well, in July there was a lot to be content about. The awesome weather and of course our amazing new suit of rate plans: And we’re also extremely content with the support and effort our Community is able to provide to others.!


Special thanks goes to the Community members listed below for not only providing feedback and support to Community members, but also for building on the solutions provided by others.


Our amazing Oracles and top 0.1%:



We would also like to congratulate July’s top 0.5% contributors, who contributed over 300 replies and together, received over 700 Bravo’s!



We also want to give a shout-out to these members who have been active as well – posting, answering questions, providing feedback and getting Bravos.   Keep it up!


@pmobile, @kutzki, @chrstyles, @PBForMe, @IWIK, @homer, @Alex-M, @danette77, @makkahn28, @ckl, @XJin and many more….


A monthly badge for your contribution level has been added to your Community profile.


A Community Reward will be given to all the contributors on a reward-eligible plan on your next payment due date. Earning a Community Reward is easy. All you have to do is give help to your fellow Community members, acknowledge solutions, and share ideas.  And, of course, your suggestions and feedback will help us create a better experience for everyone.


Here’s how you can get started –


See a post you like? Show it some love and give it a bravo!


If someone is able to deliver a great solution to your problem, mark their response as an “Accepted Solution” to appreciate the efforts of your helper Smiley Happy



To learn more about visit our Community Wiki`s


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@NDesai actually no it's not great, all I got was the $2, which is less than the $4 you got. 


Fixing the system for next month is good, but what are they going to do to fix up this month? @Jeremy_M

@JaK That's great however, i didn't get it, but its cool 🙂


Apparently, they are fixing the rewards system within a month or so. Hopefully, everything will be smooth then. 

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Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Hi @NDesai and @ute1978 (and @Jeremy_M);


Actually, I have something different still... instead of $6 showing up on my rewards, I got $2 directly on my account: undefined

(I too am just wondering what is going on...)


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Jeremy_M wrote:

undefinedCommunity Rewards are reviewed between the 1st and 6th of every month and will be applied to your account due date after the review period on your payment due date.



Exactly. Until now, the rewards have always shown up right after the review and after receiving the badge. We understand that they will be applied to our payment on our due date.


The error here is the $$ amount of the respective badge.




P.S. I don't want to sound "greedy". I actually don't mind the amount, as I am saving enough with Public Mobile. I am just wondering if this is a general programming error and needs to be looked into.

@Jeremy_M That is not the case here. We received top 0.5% badge that rewards $6 but we only received $4. 

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Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Hello @ute1978 and @NDesai,


Please remember that Community rewards are applied on your renewal date as mentioned here in our Wiki:


When will Community Rewards be applied to your account?


undefinedCommunity Rewards are reviewed between the 1st and 6th of every month and will be applied to your account due date after the review period on your payment due date. This means that if your payment due date happens to fall on a date during the review period, your Community Reward won’t be applied until your next payment due date.

undefinedThe Community Reward will be applied several hours before your payment renewal takes place.





@ute1978 I believe same for me 😞

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Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@NDesai and @JaK did you receive the right $$ amount for the Top 0.5% badge in your account? It should be $6, right? I only got $4 credited.


Mayor / Maire

Cat HappyCat SurprisedCat TongueCat Very HappyCat WinkCat EmbarassedCat LOL

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Congrats to anyone mentioned!

@Korth hey wait a second... power? Where do I get said power?


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@Rockdaddy22 wrote:
Wait what happened to Martin, I've been gone for a couple months 😞

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Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Wait what happened to Martin, I've been gone for a couple months 😞

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Congrats to everyone, I hope to be back on the list in August 🙂

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

                           No! Really?!







Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

congrats everyone

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Jeremy_M Thank you for the shout-out and congrats to all of the community contributors! 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Excellent job everyone!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Great job everyone!  This is what makes the community scream of awesomeness.  Also thanks to the 2 admins as well! @Shazia_K and @Mary_M

Congrats everyone. 


As i always say, keep it up 🙂

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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Congratulations to the winners. Keep doing the gr8 work

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

@imm1304 @srlawren Heart thank you for always appreciating our work! Smiley Happy


@Martin we miss you!!!! Robot Sad



* Please do not post private info such as: phone number, account number, pin etc.. This is a public forum.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@imm1304 wrote:

Congratulations to all the top contributors and thank you all, top contributor or not, for contributing to the community.  


Special shout out to our super problem-solving duo @Mary_M and @Shazia_K for always giving your best to keep the community functional and customers happy.  


^^^^^^ this!  🙂  



Also, I'll paraphrase what our dear friend Martin used to say every month when these were posted:  thank you all, if you've helped even one person, then you've helped make the community a better place!  

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Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

EDIT:  oops, posted twice.  Apologies.

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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Awesome !!! Great job to all the contributors !!!!

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Congratulations to all the top contributors and thank you all, top contributor or not, for contributing to the community.  


Special shout out to our super problem-solving duo @Mary_M and @Shazia_K for always giving your best to keep the community functional and customers happy.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I haven't played Pokemon Go yet but if someone here has, collecting community rewards and badges has to be more fun than collecting Pokemon .... amiright???  Cause this really made my day 🙂

Rewards and recognition and status and power mwoohahaha!


And I hardly even really know what I'm talking about.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
@pmobile congratulations. I just have no manners so lol its all good. Also, that nice rewards bonus doesn't hurt either 😉
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