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It’s Day 4 of #14DaysOfGiveaways!

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired


Share your fa-la-la-love for your chance to win ‘za-za-za!


You could win 1 of 100 $20 Boston Pizza gift cards!


All you have to do is leave a comment below saying what you love about the holidays. Whether it’s making snowmen, wrapping gifts, or reconnecting with loved ones, we want to hear it!


*Contest starts: December 11, 2015 at 10 AM EST 

*Contest closes: December 12, 2015 at 11:59 PM EST


100 winners will be randomly selected. Must be a registered Public Mobile Community member to enter. No purchase necessary. Read Contest Rules before entering


465 REPLIES 465

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
What i like about the holiday is for just like 2 days people are human , a fellowship seems to be in the air,where it isnt the rest of the year.People are more giving ,ask any salesman ,panhandler etc .People return to who they would like to be

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I love the food and all the guests that float through my house during the Holidays! so much fun and laughter!!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My phone is Brocken . Plz give. Me. One phone . My phone number is 438 934 9695 . I am long time with public mobile . Thank u 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

what i love about christmass is shearing and giving gifts and helping out at the food bank

thanks and merry christmass to all.have a safe and wonderfull christmass shearing time.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

What I like most about the holidays is the ringing of church bells announcing the birth of Jesus. Christmas is a magic time of year filling our hearts with joy. I wish that every day could be like Christmas.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
My favourite part of Christmas is visiting relatives I don't get to see very often throughout the year. I come from a large family. We have a funny tradition. During each visit we leave a funny little present in each home. Eg, a small framed pic of the elf on the shelf elf in the bathroom cabinet or cupboard. We NEVER admit to being the one who left the present. We all have a good laugh at some of the "presents" that get left around and have fun planning the next crazy gift.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
What I love most about the holidays is the feeling of togetherness and love that it brings. Having all of the family around just loving each other and reminding each other how much we care is the best feeling. But, don't get me wrong, the Christmas dinner and the gifts are an added bonus 😉

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I love EVERYTHING about Christmas - baking, hosting parties, singing carols, family gatherings, attending church Christmas pagents, but most of all, I love the FEELING of joy and hope I experience this time of year. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
Love the night before Christmas wrapping gifts watching a Christmas movie drinking hot coco , then to wake up and see the kids faces when they see what they got from Santa , to just spend quality time and relax in are Christmas pj's with the family and eat a great big feast!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

May sound cliche, but I really just look forward to going back home (Sudbury) spending time with my family and friends.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
The thing i enjoy most about Christmas is waking up Christmas morning and watching my kids open there gifts and seeing the looks on there faces and then
My kids and i make pancakes and we all ait and watch a Christmas movie and enjoy our breakfast together 🙂 i love my family with all my heart 🙂

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

My favorite part of the holiday is just taking a break out of the whole year busy working and spending time with my wife and family. Also we can go ski and escape from city life for couples of days. This year we are planning to have a baby. Good luck to me and my wife. Thanks all the wishes from you all. 


Smiley WinkMan Very HappyHeart

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
What I love about the holidays is shopping for loved ones, coming together on Christmas eve and spending the night together, waking up in Christmas morning and opening gifts, and finally the anticipation for the succeeding year! 2016!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Spending time*

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
I love everything about the holidays. I love givingback, surrendering time with friends and cool holiday contests! Thanks public mobile! Keep up the cool contests!!! #14DaysOfGiveaways

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
I really love to be with my daughter.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
My idea of a perfect holiday season is quality time with family and friends, sitting by a fire having your favourite eggnog and watching all the young kids open their presents. We also watch classic Christmas movies together! 😀

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
I like celebrating good moments with my friends and family, and sharing my happiness with my gf

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Favorite thing about holidays is  gathering with friends as family is far far away...Merry Christmas everybody!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
My favorite thing about the holidays is drinking Manhattans and watching it's a wonderful life with my whole family.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

what i love about christmas is how we set aside our diferences during the holidays and give freely, laugh without reservations fell gald and thankfull .


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My favourite thing about the holidays is that I finally get to have my whole family back home. My four daughters with their husbands and my 9 grandchildren. If it happens that we are together on Christmas Eve, we share some traditional dishes from back home. Although it gets very loud and hectic, it is my most favourite day of the year!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I love having family around, little kids running and playing.  Also the food, drinks and things baking - something about that makes the holidays special too.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My favorite way of celebrating will be sharing the joy and happiness of the season with near and dear by giving presents, spending time with all, sharing great food and decorating home with cute little stars. Happy X'mas!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
I love it when my kids open their presents and see their faces of joy and when they see Santa are their cookies and milk. The sparkle in the kids eyes...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I enjoy spending time with family and overindulging in chocolate

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I love the Christmas holiday season as it frees me from my daily responsibilities for the time-being, opens my eyes about the virtues of charity and giving, allows me to forget about the mistakes and regrets in life, reminds me to forgive and forget grudges, resentments and finally makes me realize the beauty of life and enjoying every moment of it!

@Jeremy_M wrote:


Share your fa-la-la-love for your chance to win ‘za-za-za!


You could win 1 of 100 $20 Boston Pizza gift cards!


All you have to do is leave a comment below saying what you love about the holidays. Whether it’s making snowmen, wrapping gifts, or reconnecting with loved ones, we want to hear it!


*Contest starts: December 11, 2015 at 10 AM EST 

*Contest closes: December 12, 2015 at 11:59 PM EST


100 winners will be randomly selected. Must be a registered Public Mobile Community member to enter. No purchase necessary. Read Contest Rules before entering



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Day 4 of 14 days of Christmas

What I like about Christmas is traveling to see friends and family. I enjoy Christmas with my family and look forward to seeing them after being away for a couple months and then re-uniting with them. This is what it means to me.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
I love spending time with my family even if they do annoy me sometimes

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I love the holidays because of the crazy shoppers during boxing day, the abnormal winters due to climate change, a day off from work so I don't have to wake up early and best of all getting free gifts from family and friends.

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