11-03-2023 04:07 PM
12-25-2024 03:44 AM
Thanks for the heads up, I'll share this as well and hopefully save someone
08-12-2024 01:53 PM
08-07-2024 08:42 PM
Absolutely awesome that we are finally recognizing mental health for what it is. Maybe Telus and Roger's will join Bell for mental health day in contributing to the cause financially.
07-04-2024 04:46 AM
This is amazing that we have this💜
06-28-2024 02:25 PM
That’s great news.
06-25-2024 03:59 PM
I'm so glad to hear this
This is so important
05-27-2024 05:05 PM
good stuff
05-23-2024 05:55 PM
This is good, nice to see this is available ! Kudos! Way to go Canada!
05-13-2024 08:31 AM
sethdfh dfhwerrg dfh djhdfhdfhdfh dfghsdgsdgdfg
05-13-2024 08:31 AM
gfhdhdrh df reryhdhdfh dfh dfhsdfghdfghdfh
05-13-2024 08:31 AM
05-13-2024 08:31 AM
05-09-2024 12:57 AM
This is great!
04-02-2024 03:11 PM
This is so great!!
03-31-2024 10:01 PM
Great initiative!!
02-19-2024 07:14 PM
This is amazing! One resource that might also interest people is togetherall.com It is a safe place where an online community of people can share their thoughts/feelings and open up about mental health. It is a forum if you are experiencing an immediate crisis but rather a place to go to talk if you need to talk.
02-09-2024 09:41 PM
Great news. Didn’t know about this until now. I wish this was embedded in our phones where you can find out what shortcut to dial and get a taxi for example.
01-28-2024 01:04 PM
Such an important resource for everyone to have! This needs more attention in our cities so people know there is an alternative to dialing 9-1-1 in a crisis
01-17-2024 10:50 PM
This is great! Glad that this helpline is available to help out people dealing with mental health distress
12-28-2023 03:23 PM
This has been long overdue I live with someone that suffers from schizoaffective disorder. I'm madly in love with her and she is a wonderful person, but this year alone she has tried to end her life 3 times. This will be a valuable resource for us both to use. Bravo 😊
12-14-2023 05:38 PM
I fell they should have not used. 9 ad the beginning number just in case for example 211 411 . Maybe 888 would have sufficed
11-30-2023 07:15 AM - edited 11-30-2023 07:16 AM
988 is officially up and running as of November 30 2023. Please use it when needed. When you call 988 a recording comes on asking you to choose English or French
11-30-2023 03:23 AM
This is amazing to have!
11-25-2023 11:52 PM
@J_PM what kind of assistance
11-21-2023 12:46 PM
This is an excellent initiative! 👏
11-10-2023 05:18 PM
Great news!
11-09-2023 08:15 PM
This is great news, love to see it
11-04-2023 05:55 AM - edited 11-04-2023 05:56 AM
I think this is great! We need to spread the word so more people are aware of this! You would most likely be surprised at how many people struggle on the daily in silence. Share this on your social media, blogs... anywhere you think!:) You never know..you could just save a life!❤️
11-04-2023 02:27 AM
Great announcement. The more people that know that help is only a 3 digit call away the better we can help conquer the stigma of mental health which will help save lives. You are not alone.
11-03-2023 06:02 PM
This is great. I hope it will be utilized by those whom needs it