Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
since ‎09-29-2015

User Statistics

  • 60 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 25 Bravos Given
  • 39 Bravos Received

User Activity

Being a part of this community for over year now. I have seen all the Hardwork and passion that public mobile has for its customers. I don't even really see myself as a customer more of a part of the community. However I have seen some negativity whe...
I know with Telus and Rogers in their pay-as-you-go plans they have for you can pay for an entire year at a discounted rate. It would be extremely awesome if public mobile would have a another option to pay by year for a discount. This would allow de...
Iv Seen telus has this credit card called the TELUS Rewards Visa I think i would be awesome if PM had a PM credit card that gave you 1 or 2% of what you spend off your cell phone plan. So if you spend $100 1% would be $1 off your plan. I think this w...
Hey i am wondering if anyone is useing a Data only Plan on there phone With PM and useing this app called Fongo for there calls and Texts , How is your exsperiance useing it , If you got a 3 Month data plan you could Save A TON of money with fongo. Y...
I think you should add a Canada Wide Addon for people with Province wide who only call out of there province once in a blue moon and also for people who only use calling a little bit a month and dont need unlimited so they can choose no calling and t...
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