I will also help if you explained your situation a little more. You gave the absolute minimum of details. What is your plan currently? How much do you expect to pay a month?What exactly were the charges for on your bill? Are you a new customer or exi...
You are in a sea of 100's of other people trying to get BF deals. They're going through the tickets as fast as they can, but it's gonna just be a waiting game.You can always try logging in from a different browser. Clearing your cache. That's what I ...
You can trigger the request yourself in the settings - profile - link on right.Make sure when doing it you text from the correct Sim. You can select. I can't remember exactly but just reply yes using both pm and Rogers Sim to cover your bases
Were you on a 4G plan before? When you get faster internet, some media has higher bitrate since it detects you can handle it. So for example you YouTube at higher quality when normally it loads at 720p