Surprise to you. Correct. VOLTE is not a part of original LTE standard. It came late on as a work around. Even more. The implementation of volte in different countries and even different operators could be diyand not completely compatible. This is a ...
It's a big difference feature and work around. Vonr is embedded by standard. VOLTE it's work around problem came out. That's is the reason why operators so limiting the phones models to allow to use it.
The only hope is the VONR is the embedded in original 5G SA standard. Not like VOLTE, which is just work around over 4G Also it look very suspicious to divide users for SA and not SA.
I spoke with pm many times in regard of volte for any OTHER model not listed here. Nope, they will not provision any other phones, even it is support volte. Just because they don't want it to. So its is exactly by model's listed. Which is about none,...
Around 25 models you calling most of the main brands? You are kidding me. And yes, in USA it total disaster. I am using 2g during the call and no Internet at all