Within a minute or so the caller can not hear my voice but I can hear the caller's voice. This does not happen if I make the call. What is the problem?
Local landline callers are told my cell phone # is long distance, they must use 1 in front of my number and get charged long distance fees. How can this be? My mobile was purchased locally. The phone works fine otherwise.
Thanks for responding. My phone is a Samsung Galaxy A 11 an Android not an I-phone; it's 3 years old. I could try some of the answers mentioned in link you have provided. I consistently get about 1 minute of a two way conversation and cannot ...
Thanks for your response. This problem is continuing consistently and started well before the holidays. I might get 1 minute of a two way conversation then my voice is axed. In some cases I cannot call them back as it may come from a private num...
Thank you. That is very helpful. My local friends at my new location are using landlines to reach me. Should they have to pay long distance charges to call my cell phone if I change my number at my new location? Good point about old friends.
I have moved a long way so need a new phone number to receive local calls without them being charged a long distance fee. How do I go about getting a new number please?