Make sure you paid the balance, that you can check through your account details using self serve. and you can also see the sim activation status at overview page.If there was no balance paid, the system might lock the SIM for some time around 50-60 m...
If credit card is not accepted, you can use debit card. or otherwise you can always buy the credit from any big retailer store and recharge the balance. Find below link to see retailers that might have public mobile recharge cards or instant top ups...
Normally it takes 3-4 hours for number transfering process completion. Before porting your current operator might be asking for confirmation to make the process complete. check that if you responded to such messages. If still doesnt work then contact...
For sim activation, i have shared the activation link to you, complete the details as required by the activation template using the link shared, select your mobile number, add the balance according to your selected plan and follow the instructions.Lo...
Since you ported out to PM from Fido, but originally you started jounrey from Fido, thats why they are maintaining your original record and will be sending you $0 due every month probably. It is as simple as you change your permanent location to anot...