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Targeted Offer / 5 Gigs For $25.00

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

By now everyone is aware of the latest offer of 5 gigs of data for $25.00.

When I received this offer, via text message, NOTHING was mentioned about the included upgrade to "Unlimited Talk/Text" that has been revealed here, ...on this forum.

That left me, and presumably everyone else who was targeted, to naturally assume we would stay at the 100 minutes of call-time we now have.

I, -for one, would appreciate having ALL the details of any 'time-sensitive' deals/offers laid out in the open so as to make an informed decision ....

....just a bit miffed off right now ....!!!!


Mayor / Maire


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Andy85 wrote:

Moving forward, it would be a good idea to drop your concern in a chat just to clarify the details of the deal before declining  the offer or letting time pass. 

This is exactly what I responded to the OP with on Wednesday in another thread.  There were lots of threads with others pinging the forum seeking clarification, but the OP did not do this and is now angry about missing out on an offer.  The OP could also have sent a message to the CS Agent asking for the full details as well.  

I also agree that most people will not read anything that's long, hence marketing's preference for brevity.  Perhaps they could have included a shortened URL in the offer SMS text like Koodo does.  

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@hTideGnow I agree 100% with you. I think the part that was misleading for the OP was that the text they received never mentioned that the calls were unlimited. It would've been nice it PM would've added that detail to the promotional text.

Mayor / Maire

@EdBurns1  totally in agreement with you! I think companies should be legally obliged to provide all pertinent information to clients when applying for or accepting things such as this so that we can make informed and proper decisions. But I guess pm is not regulated to ensure this.  

Mayor / Maire

HI @Andy85 

the promo $25 -5GB plan is basically like the $25 plan but with extra data

So, it comes with unlimited inbound and outbound calls and 5GB data.  If you need the data, it is much better value than the $15 plan. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@EdBurns1 In addition to my last message, what I've also learned from being a PM customer for some time now is that this recent offer won't be the last flash sale you'll ever receive by text 🙂 

There may be new promotions during the holiday period!

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@EdBurns1  I am noticing this information sharing trend amongst many cellphone providers. Information is presented is as minimalistic and scaled down. I think they want it to be captivating by just glancing at information because they fear consumers will not read long scripts or texts. I for one am in agreement with you that I would've deleted the text if it did not mention talk and/or text details. 

Moving forward, it would be a good idea to drop your concern in a chat just to clarify the details of the deal before declining  the offer or letting time pass. 

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