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Re: Top Contributors - April 2020

Mayor / Maire

@Eliza5 I foresee you being really rich in the near future!


my suggestion is to read through posts and bravo solutions and replies that you may think have helped the original poster. and that alone can net you the top 10%


@ShawnC13 wrote:


@Naepalm wrote:
@ShawnC13and bait taken, cmon guys.

@Naepalm, I know he his making it up but we need to correct it as others who read it could think it is true.  That is one of the downfalls of the community someone thinks it is funny to spread misinformation but new people will read it and take it as a truth.

I know that sometimes, people do joke around and sometimes there's a bt of ribbing going on, but If customers believe that giving bravos will earn rewards, which I think that some really do, the quality of this message board will continue to go down with members bravoing everything for no reason other than the belief that it will earn a higher reward. 

@ShawnC13 I didn't think of that, I have thought if this as a Reddit forum. But its a bit more than that because new people may come in and read this and take it seriously. @z Sorry if what I said seemed like I was antagonizing that is not what I meant by it.


@Naepalm wrote:
@ShawnC13and bait taken, cmon guys.

@Naepalm, I know he his making it up but we need to correct it as others who read it could think it is true.  That is one of the downfalls of the community someone thinks it is funny to spread misinformation but new people will read it and take it as a truth.


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

@Anonymous Ill will leave it at this.


Next time he is antagonizing Ill just let it be. Im just trying to point out what is happening  that he is saying stuff thats obviously not true. And you are shooting the messenger who is sincerely trying to point out that he is baiting.   


The time zone was a joke. 


Have a wonderful evening. 




Not applicable

@Naepalm wrote:

@Anonymous yeah I am... I hope that wasnt actually directed to me. 


cmon Z 

@gpixel has been saying stuff for the last month that constantly gets reactions have you not noticed. He had a score sheet in one post. 


Also its not fair its only 9pm where you are. 

Time zone fairness?? Really? And when there's a bunch of posts happening outside of times one would be apt to be here but the time is right out east that's "fair"?


I guess I utterly fail to understand all this intentional antagonizing of one group towards another.

All forums have some kind of moderation. This one pays a pittance of a stipend to a very few people who have put in the time for years to end up being constantly hassled by some folks.

C'mon' yourself (and gpixel).


Edit: you're's more about gpixel. But the bunch of you are playing all this crap. Why the heck bother?


   Just concentrate on learning what you need to know to manage your service and account. Along the way you will be able to help out others as you help yourself. The search bar has been my best friend since I joined....heck there's quite a few solutions I've gotten by repeating the answer I found by searching it. Some of the tech talk answers i still don't understand.....but it helped the OP and gave me a general concept of the answer.

@Anonymous why are you so agressive towards me? Defintely dont apppreciate that  when I am trying to point out that someone keeps saying things that get you guys all out of shape. 


He said he got 20.00 community reward

He said he has 29 referalls already

He said all you need to do is give bravos.


I point it out and you jump down my throat. 


Not cool. 

@Anonymous yeah I am... I hope that wasnt actually directed to me. 


cmon Z 

@gpixel has been saying stuff for the last month that constantly gets reactions have you not noticed. He had a score sheet in one post. 


Also its not fair its only 9pm where you are. (edit I said this because I havent slept for days and would love it to be 9pm, sorry if it came off as a pot shot)

Not applicable

@Naepalm wrote:
@ShawnC13and bait taken, cmon guys.

Which begs the question...why the F are you fishing to begin with?

@ShawnC13and bait taken, cmon guys

(edit: shawn he has been saying a bunch of ridiculous things, and each time all the oracles and dont say, hey gpixel can you please stop joking around like that, it could lead new customers in the wrong direction.) 


@gpixel wrote:

@Eliza5 I foresee you being really rich in the near future!


my suggestion is to read through posts and bravo solutions and replies that you may think have helped the original poster. and that alone can net you the top 10%

@gpixel, just giving bravos will not get you a top 10% reward not sure where you got that info from.


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire



@computergeek541  Interesting

@gpixel wrote:

@Eliza5 I foresee you being really rich in the near future!


my suggestion is to read through posts and bravo solutions and replies that you may think have helped the original poster. and that alone can net you the top 10%

I don't agree with that. I very much doubt that reading and simply giving bravos will earn a reward. I'll go as far as saying that I don't even believe that either are even part of the secret formula.

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