Re: Customer support during COVID-19 situation
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04-22-2020 11:47 PM
Back to Anti-Vaxxers... Okay, so then you are going to be very careful with your kids and cross your fingers really tightly. So the guy who fairly recently brought his sick daughter back from extended holiday in ... Wait for it...Vietnam who it then came out had refused vaxinations for his kids... And said something like "oh yeah, that was quite awhile ago, I forgot about that" should get his picture on the new Canada Post Anti-vaxx stamp and maybe some milk cartons as well. But you only have to face south to find another boat load of idiots standing up for "their rights" come hell or high water.
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04-25-2020 01:54 PM
@darlicious wrote:Now of course I was speaking generally about the yearly flu vaccine that is formulated each year based on the best scientists guess of what combination of flu viruses will appear.
EXACTLY!!! My wife is an R.N., and never got the flu shot, because of that very reason, i.e. not only is it a yearly crapshoot, but their aim is so bad, that they never guess correctly, such that the flu shot is virtually useless.
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04-25-2020 01:50 PM - edited 04-25-2020 01:58 PM
@darlicious wrote:
@computergeek541 wrote:This discussion has been moved as not being related to the service. I hope that everyone's doing well.
@computergeek541 I'm pretty sure were all lifetime vaccinated from childhood diseases but there's no herd immunity here when it comes to the flu vaccine. Now if someone could create an off topic vaccine im sure there would be call to make it mandatory so we could achieve herd immunity. Im pretty sure you would have to sneak up behind @CannonFodder to apply the couldn't resist.
@CannonFodder I promise you'll get a lollipop when you get it and a trip to the ice cream shop....if it's open.
Just one thing to say to that...... 😜
Ok, ok, two things - given that YOU are the queen of off-topic, I'm pretty sure you'd be partaking of the same method of injection, and MAYBE you'd be welcome at the ice cream shop too, that is, if your butt didn't hurt too much to sit on the stool. 🤣
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04-25-2020 07:59 AM
@computergeek541 wrote:This discussion has been moved as not being related to the service. I hope that everyone's doing well.
@computergeek541 I'm pretty sure were all lifetime vaccinated from childhood diseases but there's no herd immunity here when it comes to the flu vaccine. Now if someone could create an off topic vaccine im sure there would be call to make it mandatory so we could achieve herd immunity. Im pretty sure you would have to sneak up behind @CannonFodder to apply the couldn't resist.
@CannonFodder I promise you'll get a lollipop when you get it and a trip to the ice cream shop....if it's open.
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04-24-2020 04:29 PM
This discussion has been moved as not being related to the service. I hope that everyone's doing well.
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04-24-2020 03:20 PM - edited 04-25-2020 07:47 AM
Now of course I was speaking generally about the yearly flu vaccine that is formulated each year based on the best scientists guess of what combination of flu viruses will appear. Since I don't fall into any high risk groups health wise or work wise the choice is mine to make as it is yours.
When and if the time comes that they a develope a vaccine for COVID-19 that is safely tested and has a proven effectiveness with few or no side effects I will then make an informed decision whether I choose to have it.
One cannot compare a flu vaccine to the childhood routine DTP, MMR and IP V and the now 7 additional recommended vaccines that have nearly eradicated these horriiffic diseases. Herd immunity is also an exceptionally important and integral part of eliminating and preventing these diseases.
When making the choice to be vaccinated in future for what will be the novel corona virus vaccine its important to remember that those who choose not to have it have a greater responsibility to limit possible exposure to others and to follow all medical/legal requirements when making that choice.
I am to assume that you have had the pneumococcal vaccine (PCV13/PPSV23) as per 5yrs?
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04-24-2020 12:07 PM
@darlicious wrote:@LurganleUk I personally dont get the flu vaccine as its effectiveness is a bit of a crapshoot year over year and studies have shown that after the third year of the flu vaccine you become much more susceptible to catching the flu. I caught a horrific 24 hr kid flu in London over 20 years ago from a friends toddler. Luckily after 24 hrs of hugging the toilet bowl i recovered in time to catch my flight home. But thats the only time in my adult life that i had a flu? Everyone needs to decide what is best for their health and those around them and make an informed choice.
It is your choice and a poor choice if you don't. WE are ALL in it TOGETHER. And keep in mind when we all had vaccinations for polio, measles, etc and we ALL TOGETHER eradicated these diseases along with unnecessary suffering and long term side affects or disabilities in North America and world wide to protect this and future generations. So we the vaccinated protect the non vaccinated until they, the Anti Vaxxer becomes infected. We ALL are in it TOGETHER it is just not about YOU!!! I can remember returning from a Mexico holiday (no not a drunken spree in the hot sun!) and was terribly sick for 4 months. I had numerous tests, blood tests but no diagnosis and eventually the condition dissolved. But what was it? How will it affect my future? We are not no longer one city, one country as today with world wide travel we can be exposed to almost anything.
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04-24-2020 06:12 AM
@Naepalm The anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquinine tauted by trump has proven to be not effective and increases the possibility of dying from COVID-19. It's a non-starter.
@LurganleUk I personally dont get the flu vaccine as its effectiveness is a bit of a crapshoot year over year and studies have shown that after the third year of the flu vaccine you become much more susceptible to catching the flu. I caught a horrific 24 hr kid flu in London over 20 years ago from a friends toddler. Luckily after 24 hrs of hugging the toilet bowl i recovered in time to catch my flight home. But thats the only time in my adult life that i had a flu? Everyone needs to decide what is best for their health and those around them and make an informed choiice.
@Naepalm The world has changed. While the second wave of COVID-19 will be closely monitored the simple fact that if youre sick you stay home period is now the law of the land will make a gigantic difference in the spread of the flu, colds and other corona viruses. Other than COVID-19 there should be a significant drop in seasonal cold and flu this fall.
@AE_Collector I think I have a natural stronger immunity against influenza as my mom had a horrific case of the Spanish flu while pregnant with me so I may the ability to fight it off better than others....that and my pre-OP appt revealed they have to order special blood for me because mine is full of antibodies?!! (and B+.)
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04-23-2020 12:00 AM
they have been qorking on a SARS one for 5 years. So, probably not soon. Apparently the corona virus strains not just this one but MERS SARS H1N1 are all very difficult to make vaccines because of its mutation or something. Although a dr has been using that anti milaria drug to cure patients, side effect is too much and your dead. But some of the side effects for vaccines are death anyway so might as well take the anti malaria meds lol.
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04-22-2020 11:55 PM
@AE_Collector wrote:But you only have to face south to find another boat load of idiots standing up for "their rights" come hell or high water.
Well...isn't pneumonia basically drowning? So there's your "high water". 🙂
Isn't it funny how words can take a left turn. How is it that the word vaccination got shortened to vax or vaxx? Why didn't anti-vacc or anti-vacc's stick?
Not language police. Just interested in etymology.