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Re: Bullying in the forums

Mayor / Maire

@Anonymous haha deep down you know that is not my intent.  But if it makes you happy to keep posting things against me, be happy and may the force be with you.




Not applicable

 @RosieR : Obviously I have no knowledge of what kind of person you are. Deep down...maybe you in fact don't know that what you write and how you write it comes across as it does. It's a certain deep-seated human bent for some to accede to an authority. I generally don't except when that authority is armed and licensed to kill (or they sign my paycheque).


I'm often frustrated and surprised when someone replies to something I wrote in a way that I had no intention of saying. I try to learn from it. Try to be aware that that particular style doesn't work for some. Yet maybe it means nothing to the next person. When I get pushback or just feedback then I check myself and attempt to word it differently.


So you've managed to find a hot-button of mine. You exploited it to your glee. I let you know in no uncertain terms that that's what I think of it. I then get really put-out when you (or others in the past) pull unworthy cards to switch the focus. Crying wolf even.


We've been at odds since you arrived. You've told me about my style when writing to others. I guess coming to their defense. Admirable. From my perspective, those people needed some self-awareness as well. You didn't like it and told me so.

So here we are.


@RosieR wrote:

@Anonymous haha deep down you know that is not my intent.  But if it makes you happy to keep posting things against me, be happy and may the force be with you.





I always think they should have different kind of Bravo button.. like a Laugh 🤣.

@darlicious wrote:

@RosieR wrote:

@Anonymous haha deep down you know that is not my intent.  But if it makes you happy to keep posting things against me, be happy and may the force be with you.




This is a little early for that! See you next tuesday....


Mayor / Maire

@RosieR wrote:

@Anonymous haha deep down you know that is not my intent.  But if it makes you happy to keep posting things against me, be happy and may the force be with you.




This is a little early for that! See you next tuesday....

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