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Re: +BONUS with AutoPay

Mayor / Maire

@darlicious wrote:


Only difficult because it falls on deaf ears.... there have been several customers wanting this plan for their "tweens" or even younger and simply did not want their children to have access to mobile data.

As long as child has device with WiFi access all talk about 'not allowing access to internet' is useless.

Free WiFi is everywhere and every time I pass by Walmart, etc. after school is finished I see bunch of kids hanging around, eating junk food and playing with the phones.

So EVERYTHING is available to them: making a bomb, poison, porn, you name it.

Even if child does not have a phone, his/her friend will have it...



Seeing as parents of smut babies get singled out for having 6 babies at the same time while their counterparts that have quintuplets or septuplets are not given a second glance nothing is safe these days when it comes to puritanical values. I suppose we can call them smutuplets and thats perfectly ok?!!😁

Not applicable

@CountyDownIeUk wrote:

Yup and you had to go to the library for bomb making and smut pics (National Geographic). Just now it is easier and electronic. 

So people living in their natural way without influence of prudish "western" culture is smut? Is a woman breast-feeding in the open smut?

I get the "western" adolescent interest in those pics...but it ain't smut.

Mayor / Maire

Yup and you had to go to the library for bomb making and smut pics (National Geographic). Just now it is easier and electronic. 


Can parent be with a child 24/7?
What happens in school during recess? Now even toddlers have mobile phones, not to mention cats and dogs with web pages...

I am SO HAPPY this s..tuff did not exist when I was younger and I had to play with real toys, climb trees, ride a bike, etc.

@darlicious wrote:


There are still very strict parents out there and when you are talking about children under 10 especially restricting or monitoring their access to the internet can be done in a reasonable and safe manner. If you are the parent its your house and your rules....its not about what other parents allow their kids to do...its about what you set the rules to be in your house with your family.



Some free wifi does have restrictions. I believe you can buy lists of URLs to block from a router. I am  sure BC schools would have restrictions.   I used to try to use WIFI calling at a USA would not let me. And I am sure that kids with house rules would not go where they are not supposed to on free wifi. 🥴

Mayor / Maire


There are still very strict parents out there and when you are talking about children under 10 especially restricting or monitoring their access to the internet can be done in a reasonable and safe manner. If you are the parent its your house and your rules....its not about what other parents allow their kids to do...its about what you set the rules to be in your house with your family.

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