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Phone/texting apps

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hello all. 

I am going away on vacation later this month and since I can't purchase a roaming add-on for that location I was wondering what free calling/texting apps people would recommend me to try.

Thank you.


New in Town / Nouveau en Ville

I would recommend the off button..your on vacation. Everyone else can wait. The days of landlines you had an answering machine. Those were the best times. Have fun. Also textme app is good

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I'm going to the Dominican Republic and since I won't be able to use my normal calling/texting I just wanted to make it easier for friends an family to reach me if needed. I will have access to wifi but only in certain areas. I know I can use email but some family are more comfortable with calling if even to leave a message.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@Danchvn wrote:

Hello all. 

I am going away on vacation later this month and since I can't purchase a roaming add-on for that location I was wondering what free calling/texting apps people would recommend me to try.

Thank you.

What are you intending to call when you are on vacation and where are you going?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@softech As per fongo, you do if you are calling to the country you are it. The original post does not specify.

@johnprince   as far as I know you don't.  You can still use it to call Canada or receive calls.  But if you planning to call locally when you are overseas, then yes, you need Long distance addins

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@softech wrote:

@Danchvn  on the market, the 2 main one for Canadian numbers are Fongo and TextNow


If you are using Fongo outside of canada, you need to purchase credits.


@Danchvn  on the market, the 2 main one for Canadian numbers are Fongo and TextNow


Fongo has slightly less ad , but outgoing text is not free.  The voice quality is very unsable

TextNow has more ad, you have one every call.  You might loss your number if you don't use it often.  But voice quality is one of the better one.  And incoming outgoing text are free.   (but 2FA text needs subsription)


If you are going US, see if you have ways to get Google Voice, no one beat that. But it needs a US phone number to register, that part is hard unless you have friends/family there


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Thank you @softech .

I did see that one but didn't really look into it much yet.


@Danchvn our top favourite:. TextNow.


Get a Canadian phone number and you can text and call for free using the app!!

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