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Nice PM plans for new activations, but why not for me?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Wonder as to why good plans are only offered to new activations. Does PM not want existing customers to upgrade and pay them more money?

ALSO the self serve plan select feature is somewhat disappointing in that it seems to only allow to select plan upgrades.  When I join one of the deciding factors was that I was under the impression that one can self select plan upgrades as well as plan downgrades as required.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Their whole marketing strategy initially was being fair and loyal to their customers. Then they remove the old system and increase your bill, just to give your old pricing to a new customer. Brilliant and disgusting at the same time.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

I don't think it's a problem with Public Mobile. All the carriers are like this, they offer better plan to steal people.  I don't think it is a matter that they don't care existing, they just know no matter what you do,  people would leave for the cheaper plans elsewhere.  So if you cannot stop people from leaving,  focus more in stealing from others

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Interesting point of view however we do have options to switch to other providers- don’t we?

Also —-PM does have excellent pricing and coverage as good as the best. Perhaps so many complaints about this and that just because we have this forum and we have so many self serve options. I was with bell mobility for years and never had so many self serve options. I just used my smart phone and paid my bills on time never giving it a second thought. Personally I’m glad I switched to PM .

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


New customers plans are marketing tools which most  of businesses do that to attract new customers.

opening those plan to existing customers may reduce company’s revenue, as most likely more customers will downgrade than upgrade.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@will13am wrote:

Leaving and then coming back is a zero sum game.  Why not just stay and pay for the more expensive plan with referral credits.

What about us that don't have any referrals. I previously posted a similar post and thanks to members advise I just in time cancelled my nice targeted offer mainly because I was made aware that only plan upgrades are allowed. 

For me, I compromised by, for now at least, staying with the $15 4G plan and when required purchasing 1 GB 4G data for 10 points or 200mb for $5.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It should allow you to up/downgrade your plan whenever you want, just that so many of the plans are new activations only so won't show up in self serve

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

You can select plan downgrades but only if they're available to existing customers.

Leaving and then coming back is a zero sum game.  Why not just stay and pay for the more expensive plan with referral credits.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@kyle12 wrote:

Kinda looks like they're encouraging the old customers to port out and lose their referral rewards. Not sure why they didn't just cancel that with the removal of the good rewards system. Why else would they go complete 180 on their treatment of existing customers?

OK that sounds a bit sneaky - but why are new customers also in the same boat?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Kinda looks like they're encouraging the old customers to port out and lose their referral rewards. Not sure why they didn't just cancel that with the removal of the good rewards system. Why else would they go complete 180 on their treatment of existing customers?

Mayor / Maire

@Wayworn  You raise a good point , but this is unfortunately the direction public mobile is choosing to go . So unless you create a new account with new email and new sim  and take a new number . The only other way around it would be to poet out of PM and back in on newly created  PM account to keep your same phone number and enjoy these special new activation only plans (sighs)

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