09-22-2022 06:12 PM - edited 09-22-2022 06:19 PM
Hello all,
Is it possible to request the history and duration to/from specific telelphone numbers from 1-2 years ago, through PM support? In the midst of a legal manner and it would be very helpful.
09-26-2022 10:03 PM
I'm afraid it doesn't go back that far.
09-23-2022 03:13 PM
@rossputin Are you able to retrieve some of that info from your phone's call log?
09-23-2022 12:50 PM
Usage history only goes back 90 days.
09-23-2022 12:06 AM
I guess you already try to download the Usage History in XLS and try to find from there?
I doubt they will help but it doesn't hurt to try opening ticket with them