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Any news on November Top Contributors?

Mayor / Maire

Just wondering if the November top contributors are out?


Thank you for the update. Hopefully everyone has received theirs by now!

🙏🏼 that the new year will be much better for us!

@BKNS27  hope so to and also hope we don’t lose out on our Nov badges either 

@LitlLdy @Handy1 @hTideGnow 

Yes I finally got my reward today.!

I hope December reward would be quicker.

@BKNS27  Just got my Nov rewards just waiting on the Nov badges now 

@BKNS27 , they’re really dragging this out! @Handy1 didn’t get his yet either! 😔 

Wow thanks @LitlLdy !

But I didn’t make the cut. 😭

@BKNS27 , check your account now, I finally received mine!

@BKNS27 wrote:


Good thing I am not the only one…I thought I was missing something.

Fingers crossed that Andu will have something soon.

@BKNS27 , it’s not Andu that’s the problem. I sent him a message on Saturday & He’s been waiting for a response on that issue along with another issue that he’s been waiting for help with for over 4 weeks that he asked J_PM to fix for me!


Good thing I am not the only one…I thought I was missing something.

Fingers crossed that Andu will have something soon.

@LitlLdy  Your not wrong even worst way to start the new year also I’m afraid 

@Handy1 wrote:

@BKNS27  Still noting in my end , not looking good we almost to 2024 

@Handy1 , quite the way to end the year isn’t it? 😔 

Congrats to their free customer support 😉 , we appreciate you!

Edited: Sorry that sounded mean, just disappointed in them!

Mayor / Maire

@BKNS27  Still noting in my end , not looking good we almost to 2024 

Mayor / Maire

@BKNS27 wrote:

Just wondering if the November top contributors are out?

@BKNS27 , we’ve been forgotten & abandoned! 😭 They’re 3 weeks late & we’re 5 days away from January then we’ll be looking for our December ones! 😔  We’re supposed to get them within the 1st week of every month! It’s not looking good is it?

They even took away our more is merrier gifs with nothing said to us!

Edit: I wonder if this is why they’ve been later & later every month since early this year & we sill stop receiving the community giveback rewards all together!

TomCat Rule #23 - Never start a relationship between November 15th to February 15th. 

Best way to save money on Christmas gifts and V-Day. 🙂

Mayor / Maire

I’ve been looking out for it but I haven’t seen it. I originally thought since it was Christmas and New Years that it would take a little bit longer then usually but I’m not sure if that’s the case. I guess time will tell. Who knows it might have been stopped this month just like More is Merrier. 

Mayor / Maire


no news. that's why I have no $ to pay Xmas present this year.

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