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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Status: Brand new

Google has recently announced that they've added RCS support to the Android messenger app and are working with carriers to implement support for the standard. 


With 9/10 softphones running Android, implementing support for SMS RCS would be a boon for Public Mobile customers.


Some features that RCS would add: group chat, high-res photo sharing, and read receipts.


Public Mobile admin, pruduct managers, and directors can find out more here:



Mayor / Maire

Sounds fascinating

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
I have a nexus 6P and got the Google update last night. Now waiting for PM to implement on there side
Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

 I'd like to request this as well. Public has the opportunity to present itself as a value-driven, cutting-edge provider. Being on top of the current and upcoming social media solutions would help to foster such a reputation.

Good Neighbour / Bon Voisin

Would really like to see RCS offered by Public Mobile. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville
Yes please, I use BBM for 90% of my messaging but sure would be nice for the rest.
Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Just like the tons of people who want PM to get NFC sims, we will also be disappointed.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Also hoping to see RCS implemented.  Windows 10 Mobile has supported this since last December.  Currently we only have Sent / Delivered (and time-stamp) receipts using Public Mobile.


I do understand that this requires a large infrastructure change at Public Mobile, and is also a large investment to open up a live node whenever a text message is sent, especially between various carriers. (Opposed to single server solution like iMessage or WhatsApp.)  But I do think this feature would be very useful and help bring in some new customers.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Looks like Rogers is the first Canadian carrier to offer this to their Rogers and Fido customers.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Don't android users already have something like iMessage?
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