Hello, Considering that you were speaking with one or more individuals, you would need a subpoena, signed by a judge or Justice of the Peace, served on Public Mobile, showing cause. That would be near impossible to obtain. Further, what makes you think that Public Mobile records conversations?
Hello, Recording a conversation in Canada, without the other party's stated permission, is an criminal offence pursuant to the Criminal Code of Canada. The recorded conversation would be inadmissible in criminal as well as civil court. Further, it would expose the recording party to possible criminal charges and a civil lawsuit. FYI.
Not getting into any of the privacy, security or other concerns with recording calls, I'd suggest searching Google Play or Apple's App store for an application that will allow you to record your calls on your device. A quick search yielded a number of them and you can find one that suits your purposes.
Hello, I beg to differ. I just checked with Wikipedia to verify that my earlier post was correct. According to the above, the above party must be informed, prior to the start of the conversation, that he/she is about to be recorded. If the person objects, the party, intending to do so, must not record. FYI.
Yes, for a business to do so. But for a individual person, they can record all their own conversations. Perhaps you're misunderstanding what the OP is asking.
I agree with @deljo_agtor. That legaltree links explains it all. Basically section 184(2)(a) of the criminal code sets an exception when ONE (not all) of the parties involved in the conversations consents to the recording.