We hope PM, for the New Year, will consider adding the add-on option of text messages and voicemail. Some people are dreaming about something like that and hoping PM will do something asap.
@Pier if I read this right, you would like to be able to purchase a bundle of X text messages for $Y as an add-on, without needing to cloose the Global texting option in your regular plan. Have you happened to notice that texting is actually FREE if you choose any talk and any data option? Try it out in the plan tool--the cost of texting is exactly the same as the increase in discount when going from the pick-2 discount to the pick-3 discount. Texting is already free if you want the other two services.
Regarding voicemail as an add-on--why? It's already bundled for free into the talk plans.
Sorry I didn't really specify it. Some people are stuck with legacy talking only plan and would like to get the text and voicemail option without changing their plan.
@Pier oh, gotcha. I understand the need now. Unfortunately, I find it unlikely that PM will offer new add-ons that are targetted at the grandfathered legacy plan holders, but I hope I am wrong! I wish you good luck in getting this implemented.
I actually like this idea, I think the GF $19 needs Add-Ons, Some PPL don't want to give up their $19 Plans, and would be nice, Especially the US Roaming