Self-Serve Needs Major Refit
The Self-Serve needs some refinements
Add-On Usage seems quite out of sinc
How bout Data Usage Rate/Add-On Read-Out, so that ppl can fully understand what this means fully
Also, If PM relocated the Lost/Stolen Phone icon in the Overview instead of having to click Plan & Add-Ons to find it. Making Important icons easier to find is absolutely key to Superior Service
Also, if PM Had a PUK Request located in Self-Serve, this would be Ideal and quicker than Simply Sending Email, so that the tools are close to Our Button-Pushy Fingers
Also, What if PM had this in Self-Serve too: Ability to Request Unlock Codes via Self-Serve, instead of Standard Email? Though PM No Longer Sells Handsets, certain if PM Offered this, At least PPL can have a Wide Load of Options to choose from
Self-Serve should have its Perks, as it's as close to a Menu than anything else
What Else do you think Self-Serve Can/Should do?
Afterall, What's in a Self-Serve if The Options and Readout Info is Lacking in Serious Substance?