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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
Status: Brand new

Why not have a mobile-formatted version of the self-serve site? The current site layout is pretty cumbersome to use on a phone.

I also think a mobile site is a better idea than an app, as it's far cheaper to get up and running and is less intrusive to the user.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I second this idea.  Given that Public Mobile is centred around the idea of self-serve and the vast majority, if not all, of us have data plans, it would greatly improve the usability of the service if there was a mobile-friendly version of this site.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@aip0401 Yeah, it really seems like a no-brainer - shouldn't mobile service providers be the first ones to have mobile-friendly websites? Seems like they're the last ones left not doing it.


Also, people have been asking for a Public Mobile app - which would be ideal - but I think that a simple mobile site would serve the same purpose for less cost to Public Mobile. As far as I'm aware, bugtesting an app to work flawlessly with any phone isn't a trivial thing.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@shrimpdude Yeah, a mobile-friendly website is a must, especially since you're serving a wide-range of devices.  

Mayor / Maire

As long as it's not the only way to reach self-serve.  I can't read most webpages, regular or mobile on my phone due to vision problems.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@stonechucker I don't mean to cause any offense, but I am genuinely curious: what makes the app experience different than webpages for you?  I know the main Public Mobile site is mobile-friendly; do you have similar issues reading that as well?

Mayor / Maire



No offense at all, I appreciate someone asking.


Apps are great for the most part, as long as developers allow for iOS and/or Android accessibility settings to be reflected in the actual app.  For example, Facebook App on both operating systems DID NOT allow for font size changes by the accessibility settings on the mobile device.  This has now been fixed.


Mobile websites, in some cases are simply awful to read, as lately I've been finding pinch-to-zoom doesn't always work on newer releases of updates on iOS, and previously on Android.  It's hit and miss with all sites.


My comment was to say, and I didn't say it very well unfortunately, but I get to explain it now (thanks again for asking)... If the self-serve was to become only a mobile-format webpage, and all other formats (regular desktop browser, future App, etc...) were not to be kept/created... I'd have a problem possibly.


Being a person with a visual impairment in a visual world can be difficult, and still unfortunately, many developers forget us, and other folks with various disabilities.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@stonechucker thanks for elaborating - added a lot of perspective to the conversation. I didn't consider that mobile sites don't allow pinch-to-zoom, so that's a great point to make.


That being said, I wasn't calling for a replacement of the desktop site with a mobile-only site - we need both of course!

Mayor / Maire



Nooo... I didn't say mobile sites don't allow pinch-to-zoom, I said that due to some updates lately, SOME websites (including mobile, but not all) fail to allow pinch to zoom.


For example, I complained on twitter to the MobileSyrup company that thier website doesn't allow it.  They responded yes it does!  I said, no, it doesn't.  Had to provide my iPadAir specific model number, and the version of iOS I was running.  They tested it out, and low and behold, they saw the same results.


Sadly, these changes happen far too frequently to keep up to date.  I'm just noticing these things more and more as I'm using my iPad more and more, rather than a desktop browser.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Any updates on PM app or mobile friendly self serve account page? Would love for one of these options to be available soon.

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